Hapax Legomenon

Brief Overview of παραπλησίως (Strong’s G3898: paraplēsiōs)

Strong’s G3898: An adverb meaning “similarly” or “likewise,” derived from παραπλήσιος (paraplēsios). Used in contexts emphasizing close similarity or comparison, particularly in Hebrews 2:14 regarding Christ’s participation in human nature. The word emphasizes the completeness and authenticity of Christ’s incarnation.…

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Strong’s G3871

Brief Overview of παρακαλύπτω (Strong’s G3871: parakalyptō) Unveiling the Word The Greek verb παρακαλύπτω (parakalyptō) translates to “to cover” or “to conceal.” Its primary meaning revolves around the act of hiding or covering something from view, which can be literal…

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Strong’s G3869

Brief Overview of παρακαθέζομαι (Strong’s G3869: parakathézomai) Unveiling the Word The Greek verb παρακαθέζομαι (parakathézomai) translates to “to sit beside” or “to recline.” It implies a physical position of sitting in close proximity to someone, often conveying a sense of…

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Strong’s G3866

Brief Overview of παραθήκη (Strong’s G3866: parathēkē) Unveiling the Word The Greek noun παραθήκη (parathēkē) translates to “deposit,” “storage,” or “safeguarding.” It signifies the act of placing something in a safe place, often with the implication of preservation or protection.…

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Strong’s G3865

Brief Overview of παραθεωρέω (Strong’s G3865: paratheōréō) Unveiling the Word The Greek verb παραθεωρέω (paratheōréō) translates to “to observe closely” or “to look upon.” This term captures the act of careful observation, often with a connotation of contemplation or scrutiny.…

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Strong’s G3864

Brief Overview of παραθαλάσσιος (Strong’s G3864: parathalássios) Unveiling the Word The Greek adjective παραθαλάσσιος (parathalássios) translates to “by the sea” or “near the sea.” This term specifically describes locations that are situated close to the sea or coastal areas. It…

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Strong’s G3861

Brief Overview of παράδοξος (Strong’s G3861: paradóxos) Unveiling the Word The Greek adjective παράδοξος (paradóxos) means “strange,” “unusual,” or “extraordinary.” It is often used to describe situations or concepts that defy conventional expectations or norms. In Luke 5:26, it is…

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