Welcome to an Assembly,
Dedicated to a Soon Returning King

“Discover His Words of Love for you today in the new F.O.G Bible. Dive deep into the message, comparing it with the trusted King James Version alongside Strong’s Concordance for profound insights into the divine mysteries of Jesus the Anointed One. 

Why Another Bible?
You Might Be Saying.

Reading Multiple Versions of the Bible is one of the best ways to Know Him More Intimately.

Here are three more reasons.

To Personally Experience The Fear of God, as the Beginning of Wisdom.

The fear of God (F.O.G) is the experience of a lifetime! That might sound strange at first, but when you know that this powerful God is on your side, you have a reason to boast! 

The F.O.G, allows His Spirit to teach you of the majesty & power of all His Names in Scripture. 

These Names are family promises to you, and include such notable ones as, ‘יהוה Yahweh Rapha’ (The LORD, Your Healer).

The F.O.G Bible highlights the original Names of God, and the meaning of people’s names and places.

To understand the Power & Beauty of being in Covenant Relationship with God.

Most people today have lost the meaning and beauty of what a covenant relationship is. 

Never mind a covenant, which is signed and sealed with the blood of Jesus, as God Himself, when He died on a cross for the sins of mankind. That’s simply, next level covenant!

With this new and better covenant, He was and is allowed by the Abba Father to pour out His Holy Spirit on you as a believer in Him. This awesome free gift, of His own Spirit, is but the first instalment of better things to come, as He is preparing a place for you, as a child of God.

To Understand the Mystery, as Jesus the Anointed One, Lives in & Through You.

His Holy Spirit doesn’t just come upon you as it did for the prophets of old, it lives and burns brightly in you for others to see.

The apostle Paul calls it a mystery, how we who believe in Jesus, become One Spirit with Him. 

Just like a man and woman become one in marriage. As a believer, you are a part of the Church Body, spiritually betrothed to Jesus. 

This of course has many benefits (vows)! The F.O.G Bible will always highlight these bridal vows, as we wait in this world of injustice, for Him to return as King.

Latest Letters to the Believers

Bible Discussions

What is the book of Joel all about?

Tear up your heart, and not your garments.”
Return to יהוה Yahweh your God,
For He is favourably gracious and compassionate,
Slow to anger, abounding in covenant love, and relenting of evil.

Joel 2:13

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As spoken by

Timeline of the crucifixion of Jesus

Looking to ישוע Yeshua, the Founder, and finisher of our believing faith. Who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and sits by the right-hand of the throne of יהוה Yahweh.
Hebrews 12:2 F.O.G

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As spoken by

Meditate on these Powerful Healing Scriptures KJV style!

“forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭18‬-‭19‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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