For My Believing FriendsWhat did Jesus tell His followers, including us to do and wait for before He ascended to Heaven?Read MoreWhat did Jesus tell His followers, including us to do and wait for before He ascended to Heaven?
For My Believing FriendsThe Mystery of Many Lamps: Why Did Luke Specifically Mention the Multiple Lights in the Upper Room of Acts 20?Read MoreThe Mystery of Many Lamps: Why Did Luke Specifically Mention the Multiple Lights in the Upper Room of Acts 20?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is the joy and burden of God’s Crystal-Clear Commands?Read MoreWhat is the joy and burden of God’s Crystal-Clear Commands?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Are the 3 Divine Time Keys That Unlock Daniel’s 70-Week Mystery?Read MoreWhat Are the 3 Divine Time Keys That Unlock Daniel’s 70-Week Mystery?
For My Believing FriendsWhy Has Daniel’s 70-Week Prophecy Puzzled Biblical Scholars for Centuries?Read MoreWhy Has Daniel’s 70-Week Prophecy Puzzled Biblical Scholars for Centuries?
For My Believing FriendsHow Can Understanding Chiasms Transform Your Bible Reading?Read MoreHow Can Understanding Chiasms Transform Your Bible Reading?
For My Believing Friends, For My Skeptical FriendsWhat are some of the primary ways God talks to His children?Read MoreWhat are some of the primary ways God talks to His children?
For My Believing FriendsDoes God promise to restore the nation of Edom as they are Jacob’s brother?Read MoreDoes God promise to restore the nation of Edom as they are Jacob’s brother?
For My Believing FriendsWhy were the firstborn in the Bible entitled to a double inheritance?Read MoreWhy were the firstborn in the Bible entitled to a double inheritance?
For My Believing Friends, For My Skeptical FriendsHow should we approach prayer, knowing that God is both our loving Father and the sovereign King of the universe?Read MoreHow should we approach prayer, knowing that God is both our loving Father and the sovereign King of the universe?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is the spiritual meaning of the number 77 in the Bible? And why do I keep seeing it everywhere?Read MoreWhat is the spiritual meaning of the number 77 in the Bible? And why do I keep seeing it everywhere?
For My Believing FriendsHow long was the rebuilding work in Jerusalem delayed according to the book of Ezra?Read MoreHow long was the rebuilding work in Jerusalem delayed according to the book of Ezra?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Is the Law of Release and What Can We Learn from It?Read MoreWhat Is the Law of Release and What Can We Learn from It?
For My Believing Friends, For My Skeptical FriendsWho is the Holy Spirit?Read MoreWho is the Holy Spirit?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Exactly Does Grieving the Holy Spirit Mean, and How Can I Avoid It?Read MoreWhat Exactly Does Grieving the Holy Spirit Mean, and How Can I Avoid It?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Is the Prophetic Meaning of Jeremiah Wearing a Linen Loincloth?Read MoreWhat Is the Prophetic Meaning of Jeremiah Wearing a Linen Loincloth?
For My Believing FriendsDoes King Solomon’s Psalm 72 Apply to King Jesus?Read MoreDoes King Solomon’s Psalm 72 Apply to King Jesus?
For My Believing FriendsHas a Resurrection of the Dead Already Happened with Two More Coming?Read MoreHas a Resurrection of the Dead Already Happened with Two More Coming?
For My Believing FriendsHow Did the Pharisees Learn About Jesus’ Prophecy of His Resurrection on the Third Day?Read MoreHow Did the Pharisees Learn About Jesus’ Prophecy of His Resurrection on the Third Day?
For My Believing FriendsWhy Couldn’t Moses See God’s Face?Read MoreWhy Couldn’t Moses See God’s Face?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Does John Mean When He Says He Was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day?Read MoreWhat Does John Mean When He Says He Was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is the Purpose of the Ezekiel Temple if We are Now the Temple of God’s Holy Spirit?Read MoreWhat is the Purpose of the Ezekiel Temple if We are Now the Temple of God’s Holy Spirit?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Exactly Is the River of Life?Read MoreWhat Exactly Is the River of Life?
For My Believing FriendsWhy Are Jesus’ Genealogies in Matthew and Luke So Different?Read MoreWhy Are Jesus’ Genealogies in Matthew and Luke So Different?
For My Believing FriendsHow Did the Magi Know to Follow a Star to Find a New Born King?Read MoreHow Did the Magi Know to Follow a Star to Find a New Born King?
For My Believing Friends, For My Skeptical FriendsWho or What Is Satan?Read MoreWho or What Is Satan?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is the will of God for those in Messiah Jesus?Read MoreWhat is the will of God for those in Messiah Jesus?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Is the First and Second Resurrection?Read MoreWhat Is the First and Second Resurrection?
For My Believing FriendsWhen and Where is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?Read MoreWhen and Where is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?
For My Believing FriendsIn Ancient Jewish Culture, What Were the Stages in a Wedding?Read MoreIn Ancient Jewish Culture, What Were the Stages in a Wedding?
For My Believing FriendsHow Do the Jewish Festivals Speak of and Foreshadow Jesus?Read MoreHow Do the Jewish Festivals Speak of and Foreshadow Jesus?
For My Believing FriendsIs the Book of Revelation in Chronological order?Read MoreIs the Book of Revelation in Chronological order?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Is the Wrath of God vs. the Wrath of the Lamb?Read MoreWhat Is the Wrath of God vs. the Wrath of the Lamb?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Do We Learn About God from His Challenge to Job?Read MoreWhat Do We Learn About God from His Challenge to Job?
For My Believing FriendsDid the Roman Catholic Church Ever Repent of the “Buying Penance,” False Teaching?Read MoreDid the Roman Catholic Church Ever Repent of the “Buying Penance,” False Teaching?
For My Believing FriendsWhy Were the Israelites in the Bible So Eager to Continually Embrace Foreign Gods?Read MoreWhy Were the Israelites in the Bible So Eager to Continually Embrace Foreign Gods?
For My Believing FriendsWhat are Seven Truths That Unite Monotheistic Faiths, and Why That’s Dangerous?Read MoreWhat are Seven Truths That Unite Monotheistic Faiths, and Why That’s Dangerous?
For My Believing FriendsDo You Know Job’s Prophecy of King Jesus and the Resurrection?Read MoreDo You Know Job’s Prophecy of King Jesus and the Resurrection?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is Biblical Polemic Discourse?Read MoreWhat is Biblical Polemic Discourse?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is Ezekiel Bread and Should I Be Eating It?Read MoreWhat is Ezekiel Bread and Should I Be Eating It?
For My Believing FriendsWho Were the Most Prominent Early Church Fathers?Read MoreWho Were the Most Prominent Early Church Fathers?
For My Believing FriendsDoes Paul’s Teaching Support a Rapture and Two Separate Returns of Jesus?Read MoreDoes Paul’s Teaching Support a Rapture and Two Separate Returns of Jesus?
For My Believing FriendsWas the Lack of an Initial Resurrection Event the Reason Religious Leaders Rejected Jesus as the Messiah?Read MoreWas the Lack of an Initial Resurrection Event the Reason Religious Leaders Rejected Jesus as the Messiah?
For My Believing FriendsDo We Need a New Catchy Name for the Rapture?Read MoreDo We Need a New Catchy Name for the Rapture?
For My Believing FriendsWhy Did Joseph Practice Divination with a Silver Cup?Read MoreWhy Did Joseph Practice Divination with a Silver Cup?
For My Believing Friends, For My Skeptical FriendsHow Plausible Is the Account of John Surviving Being Immersed in Boiling Oil?Read MoreHow Plausible Is the Account of John Surviving Being Immersed in Boiling Oil?
For My Believing FriendsIs There Evidence for Rapture Theology from the Hebrew Bible?Read MoreIs There Evidence for Rapture Theology from the Hebrew Bible?
For My Believing FriendsDoes the Resurrection of the Dead Happen at the Coming of Messiah According to Judaism?Read MoreDoes the Resurrection of the Dead Happen at the Coming of Messiah According to Judaism?
For My Believing FriendsWhen Does the Resurrection of the Dead Happen According to the Bible?Read MoreWhen Does the Resurrection of the Dead Happen According to the Bible?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Were the First Three Actions Solomon Took After Receiving Wisdom from God?Read MoreWhat Were the First Three Actions Solomon Took After Receiving Wisdom from God?
For My Believing FriendsWhy Was the Tribe of Issachar Known for Understanding the Times and the Seasons?Read MoreWhy Was the Tribe of Issachar Known for Understanding the Times and the Seasons?
For My Believing FriendsWhy Did Uzzah Have to Die When He Touched the Ark?Read MoreWhy Did Uzzah Have to Die When He Touched the Ark?
For My Believing FriendsWhere Was the Ark of the Covenant Housed Before It Reached Solomon’s Temple?Read MoreWhere Was the Ark of the Covenant Housed Before It Reached Solomon’s Temple?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Happened the Second Time David Tried to Move the Ark?Read MoreWhat Happened the Second Time David Tried to Move the Ark?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Can We Learn from the Incident of Uzzah and the Ark, Considering That We Are Now the Ark of His Presence?Read MoreWhat Can We Learn from the Incident of Uzzah and the Ark, Considering That We Are Now the Ark of His Presence?
For My Believing FriendsWere the Apostles Levi (Matthew) and James Brothers?Read MoreWere the Apostles Levi (Matthew) and James Brothers?
For My Believing FriendsWas Melchizedek a Pre-Incarnate Form of Jesus?Read MoreWas Melchizedek a Pre-Incarnate Form of Jesus?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Do We Learn About God from Solomon’s Temple and Its Key Items?Read MoreWhat Do We Learn About God from Solomon’s Temple and Its Key Items?
For My Believing FriendsWhy Did Zoroastrian Priestly Astrologers Pay Tribute to the Infant Jesus?Read MoreWhy Did Zoroastrian Priestly Astrologers Pay Tribute to the Infant Jesus?
For My Believing FriendsShould We Be Casting Lots to Choose Church Leaders Today?Read MoreShould We Be Casting Lots to Choose Church Leaders Today?
For My Believing Friends, For My Skeptical FriendsIs the Rapture Going to Happen?Read MoreIs the Rapture Going to Happen?
For My Believing FriendsWhy is the Story of Solomon and the Two Prostitutes the First Account Following God Granting Him Wisdom?Read MoreWhy is the Story of Solomon and the Two Prostitutes the First Account Following God Granting Him Wisdom?
For My Believing FriendsWhy Did Solomon Have 12 Governors Responsible for Providing His Food Each Month?Read MoreWhy Did Solomon Have 12 Governors Responsible for Providing His Food Each Month?
For My Believing FriendsWhy do some Christians say Jesus only fulfilled four of the seven Jewish Feast Days?Read MoreWhy do some Christians say Jesus only fulfilled four of the seven Jewish Feast Days?
For My Believing FriendsDid God Literally Create the World in Six Days?Read MoreDid God Literally Create the World in Six Days?
For My Believing FriendsShould a Christian Woman Wear a Bikini?Read MoreShould a Christian Woman Wear a Bikini?
For My Believing FriendsHow is the Epic of Gilgamesh similar and different to the biblical account?Read MoreHow is the Epic of Gilgamesh similar and different to the biblical account?
For My Believing FriendsHow does Enūma Eliš compare to the Biblical creation account?Read MoreHow does Enūma Eliš compare to the Biblical creation account?
For My Believing FriendsWhat are the differences and similarities of Enūma Eliš compared to the Biblical creation account?Read MoreWhat are the differences and similarities of Enūma Eliš compared to the Biblical creation account?
For My Believing FriendsWhat are some Bible verses about days?Read MoreWhat are some Bible verses about days?
For My Believing FriendsWhat are some Bible verses that encourages?Read MoreWhat are some Bible verses that encourages?
For My Believing FriendsWhat are some Bible verses regarding strength?Read MoreWhat are some Bible verses regarding strength?
For My Believing FriendsWhat Does Praying the Lord’s Prayer Mean?Read MoreWhat Does Praying the Lord’s Prayer Mean?
For My Believing FriendsWhat are some healing Scriptures from the King James Bible?Read MoreWhat are some healing Scriptures from the King James Bible?
For My Believing FriendsIs the Resurrection of Jesus a Verifiable Fact?Read MoreIs the Resurrection of Jesus a Verifiable Fact?
For My Believing FriendsIs perfect theology required for eternal life?Read MoreIs perfect theology required for eternal life?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is God’s viewpoint on abortion?Read MoreWhat is God’s viewpoint on abortion?
For My Believing FriendsIs there evidence of humor in Luke’s biblical accounts?Read MoreIs there evidence of humor in Luke’s biblical accounts?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is the Passion Translation of the Bible?Read MoreWhat is the Passion Translation of the Bible?
For My Believing FriendsCalvinism vs. Arminianism – which view is correct?Read MoreCalvinism vs. Arminianism – which view is correct?
For My Believing FriendsIs the Word of Faith movement biblical?Read MoreIs the Word of Faith movement biblical?
For My Believing FriendsWhat was the 3 PM prayer service Peter and John attended in Acts 3?Read MoreWhat was the 3 PM prayer service Peter and John attended in Acts 3?
For My Believing FriendsWhy are there Proto-Indo-European words in our Bibles?Read MoreWhy are there Proto-Indo-European words in our Bibles?
For My Believing FriendsWhat can we learn about the Kingdom of God from Plato’s Republic?Read MoreWhat can we learn about the Kingdom of God from Plato’s Republic?
For My Believing FriendsWhat was an early church meeting like?Read MoreWhat was an early church meeting like?
For My Believing FriendsHow did Abraham follow God’s call to a new land if he did not know his destination?Read MoreHow did Abraham follow God’s call to a new land if he did not know his destination?
For My Believing FriendsHow were church leaders appointed in the early churchRead MoreHow were church leaders appointed in the early church
For My Believing FriendsWhat is the Jewish Circular Economy, and what can Christian’s learn from it?Read MoreWhat is the Jewish Circular Economy, and what can Christian’s learn from it?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is the importance of the land of Uz in the Bible?Read MoreWhat is the importance of the land of Uz in the Bible?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is the meaning of the word Elohim?Read MoreWhat is the meaning of the word Elohim?
For My Believing FriendsIs there a conclusive argument for the existence of God?Read MoreIs there a conclusive argument for the existence of God?
For My Believing FriendsWhat are the three primary falls of mankind in Genesis?Read MoreWhat are the three primary falls of mankind in Genesis?
For My Believing FriendsWhy was God going to kill Moses in Exodus 4:24-26?Read MoreWhy was God going to kill Moses in Exodus 4:24-26?
For My Believing FriendsIf a Christian commits suicide, is he/she still saved?Read MoreIf a Christian commits suicide, is he/she still saved?
For My Believing FriendsWhat are the different names of God, and what do they mean?Read MoreWhat are the different names of God, and what do they mean?
For My Believing FriendsWas Satan in charge of music in heaven?Read MoreWas Satan in charge of music in heaven?
For My Believing FriendsWhat are the seven spirits of God?Read MoreWhat are the seven spirits of God?
For My Believing FriendsDid Jesus go to hell between His death and resurrection?Read MoreDid Jesus go to hell between His death and resurrection?
For My Believing FriendsWhat signs indicate that the end times are approaching?Read MoreWhat signs indicate that the end times are approaching?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?Read MoreWhat is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
For My Believing FriendsWhat does the Bible say about oral sex?Read MoreWhat does the Bible say about oral sex?
For My Believing FriendsWill we be able to see and know our friends and family members in Heaven?Read MoreWill we be able to see and know our friends and family members in Heaven?
For My Believing FriendsWhy was Moses not allowed to enter the Promised Land?Read MoreWhy was Moses not allowed to enter the Promised Land?
For My Believing FriendsDoes the Bible teach that the earth is flat?Read MoreDoes the Bible teach that the earth is flat?
For My Believing FriendsIs there life after death? What happens after death?Read MoreIs there life after death? What happens after death?
For My Believing FriendsIs ‘once saved, always saved’ or eternal security biblical?Read MoreIs ‘once saved, always saved’ or eternal security biblical?
For My Believing FriendsWhat does the Bible say about Christian tithing?Read MoreWhat does the Bible say about Christian tithing?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is the gift of speaking in tongues?Read MoreWhat is the gift of speaking in tongues?
For My Believing FriendsWhat does the Bible say about dinosaurs?Read MoreWhat does the Bible say about dinosaurs?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is the importance of Christian baptism?Read MoreWhat is the importance of Christian baptism?
For My Believing FriendsWhat does the Bible say about drinking alcohol?Read MoreWhat does the Bible say about drinking alcohol?
For My Believing FriendsWhat does the Bible teach about the Trinity?Read MoreWhat does the Bible teach about the Trinity?
For My Believing FriendsWhat does the Bible say about sex before marriage?Read MoreWhat does the Bible say about sex before marriage?
For My Believing FriendsWhere was Jesus for the three days between His death and resurrection?Read MoreWhere was Jesus for the three days between His death and resurrection?
For My Believing FriendsWhat does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?Read MoreWhat does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?
For My Believing FriendsWhat is the significance that the beast’s fatal wound was healed in Revelation 13:3?Read MoreWhat is the significance that the beast’s fatal wound was healed in Revelation 13:3?
For My Believing FriendsHow, why, and when did Satan fall from heaven?Read MoreHow, why, and when did Satan fall from heaven?
For My Believing FriendsThe Unforgivable Sin: What Jesus Really Meant and Why It Matters TodayRead MoreThe Unforgivable Sin: What Jesus Really Meant and Why It Matters Today
For My Believing FriendsWhat is the Divine Council Worldview by Dr. Michael Heiser?Read MoreWhat is the Divine Council Worldview by Dr. Michael Heiser?
For My Believing FriendsThe Unforgivable Sin: What Jesus Really Meant (And Why You Shouldn’t Panic)Read MoreThe Unforgivable Sin: What Jesus Really Meant (And Why You Shouldn’t Panic)
For My Believing FriendsFour Reasons Someone Might Lose Their Eternal Salvation: And How You Won’t Be One of Them!Read MoreFour Reasons Someone Might Lose Their Eternal Salvation: And How You Won’t Be One of Them!
For My Believing FriendsCan a Believer Lose Their Salvation? A Comprehensive Biblical ExplorationRead MoreCan a Believer Lose Their Salvation? A Comprehensive Biblical Exploration
For My Believing FriendsWhat does the Bible say about homosexuality? Is it a sin?Read MoreWhat does the Bible say about homosexuality? Is it a sin?
For My Believing FriendsWhat does the Bible say about tattoos?Read MoreWhat does the Bible say about tattoos?
For My Believing FriendsMasturbation—is it a sin according to the Bible?Read MoreMasturbation—is it a sin according to the Bible?
For My Believing FriendsWhat does the Bible say about interracial marriage?Read MoreWhat does the Bible say about interracial marriage?
For My Believing FriendsWhat does the Bible say about suicide?Read MoreWhat does the Bible say about suicide?
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