Welcome to my F.O.G Story

The F.O.G is the Beginning of Wisdom and Life

When you truly experience the profound awe of the F.O.G, it opens the door to a transformation of your heart, mind, and spirit—an eternal touch that changes the course of your life forever.

Life and Life to the Full

The F.O.G is a life-giving fountain; it offers escape from the snares of death.
Proverbs 14:27

The F.O.G is a Treasure Trove

And He will be the stability of your times, a wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; The F.O.G is His treasure.
Isaiah 33:6

The Meek will inherit the Earth

The reward of humility and the F.O.G are riches, honor and life.
Proverbs 22:4

The grass dries up,
The flower withers,
Yet the Word of our Elohim,
Stands forever!

Isaiah 40:8 F.O.G

From: The desk of Jean Paul Joseph,

To: My fellow believers in King Jesus and His Kingdom come.

I am writing to you today, after a dramatic and personal encounter in which יהוה (Yahweh) ישוע (Yeshua) visited me during the early hours over coffee. Dramatic, I know and one of the most tangible things that happened—aside from falling flat on my face in worship—was an insatiable appetite for His Word, the Bible.

To be honest, it was a completely unnatural appetite. I wasn’t just reading one Bible, but seven, for hours on end! I just couldn’t get enough of His Word and the almost ‘too good to be true’ good news, which I thought I already knew. But man was I wrong! I had been a Christian since age seven, but looking back, I realize that for the most part, it was just religious ‘do’s’ and ‘don’t do’s,’ with no personal, “I know you” type of relationship.

But that all changed after encountering Him. Now I could read the King James Bible and be touched, then immediately pick up another translation and be touched all over again in a completely different way. This process would repeat with each subsequent Bible. His beautiful loving touch grew stronger and stronger as He spoke directly and personally to my heart about our glorious hope and future together.

And this kept happening daily so that it became abundantly clear to me that the whole Which Bible is best?” debate is, for the most part, silly! From my personal experience, the more you read from the work of thousands of faithful scribes who created our Bibles, the more He, reveals Himself to you. He does this through the Sacred Holy Spirit (רוּחַ Ruach HaKodesh), who searches the deep and hidden things of the Father to then reveal layer upon layer of truth to bless your unique heart. He does this in a special way for each of His children using a language and words you can easily understand.

Now don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying you have to read every Bible, but at least start reading a second version, especially if all you’ve read so far is the King James. It will change your life for the good!

To this day, my insatiable appetite for His Word continues. It’s not uncommon for me to be thinking about, reading, or translating the Bible for up to 18 hours a day! To say this is a supernatural gift of favor and hunger seems perfectly appropriate to me, because before my encounter, I had hardly touched my “dust-ridden” Bible for 18 years!

The 18-year famine for the Word of God in my life has now become regular 18-hour daily feasts, and boy, was I hungry and thirsty, and still am! Biblical rainbows like this suddenly started appearing all over my Bibles! #BibleRainbows

After so many years, the core message of the Bible—and how it all points to King Jesus—became incredibly real, tangible, and far more astonishing to me.

This revelation was even more profound because nine months before this encounter, He came to me in a dream and made it very clear that He’s returning soon! To be honest, I wasn’t ready for His return when I had that dream. Even though I prayed the “Sinner’s Prayer,” almost weekly, I knew deep down that my heart had grown hard and disillusioned towards Him.

Yet He is Love Personified!

In His mercy and grace, God chose to reach out and touch me again! I believe it was because He saw how religion and the faithless traditions of man had stained my heart and clouded my spirit.

In His compassion, God seemed to declare, “Enough is enough.”

It was then that I felt His touch, and the beautiful, awe-inspiring fear of God (F.O.G) entered me! I fell face down in worship and thanks, and through my grateful sobbing, it became crystal clear that I was back on His side again, the best place in the world. Being in His presence now, I realized that all I knew of Him before that day were mere rumors and riddles of His power and Shekinah glory, which always fills His Temple (you and I). His glory is so overwhelming that one cannot stand in His all encompassing presence with a mere mortal body—it’s why He promises us new glorified bodies!

Reflecting on my life before this encounter, I believe I was like one of the five foolish virgins Jesus spoke of. It’s my heartfelt prayer that your lamp, dear reader, is full of Holy Spirit oil and burning brightly for Him when He returns to gather His Bride—the Unified Church Assembly—for the marriage supper of the Lamb (Jesus).

After meeting my Maker and experiencing His loving and merciful heart, I am now filled with a desire for everyone to taste and see this freedom in Jesus, The Anointed One (a.k.a Christ).

The King’s Commission to me

Whenever there is a visitation from the King, there comes a divine commission. The first and most important is the Great Commission, but there is also a personal calling—a unique purpose that God has created for you and you alone. For me, it became clear that my commission was tied to my academic mind, which has always loved the pursuit of knowledge.

As a child, I devoured encyclopedias, and all the kids wanted my help with their homework, but now my focus was to be on His Word—the Bible. What followed was, and continues to be, a supernatural ability to dive deeply into Scripture, using the best in class Biblical software called Logos to cross-check over 10 Bible translations and dictionaries. But Logos is not just for academics, I recommend it for all who want to see what the original languages reveal to us about God. You will be stunned at times.

Now when you study the Word in such depth for an extended period, you naturally begin to notice the strengths and “areas of improvement” in each English Bible translation that has been derived from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek manuscripts.

After identifying these “areas of improvement,” Yeshua directed me to write a Bible commentary and answer Biblical Questions.

I thought, “Okay, great—this is what I was born for!” But as I began the task, I realized I needed a literal, ancient context Bible—what many call a “Word-for-Word Bible,” which by the way is a misnomer as no language perfectly translates word for word. Especially ancient languages! So during one of my early morning coffee devotions, He surprised me with the unthinkable:

He said, “You do it! You create this version of My Word.”

My immediate reaction was one of disbelief: “The whole Bible…?”

I can’t remember if He answered that directly, but the message to me was clear.

After my initial astonishment and a lot of internal debate, I am excited to share that He has guided me in creating two accurate and unique Bibles. One will be a literal translation called the F.O.G Bible, and the other will be a paraphrase known as the F.O.G Message, which blends ancient and modern-day language. Both versions will faithfully preserve the Jewish context and retain the original names and titles of the Elohim, Yahweh. The One True God who reigns over all others who call themselves gods, including many men.

This is undoubtedly a God-sized task, and I greatly appreciate your prayers, support, and, of course coffee! Many Christians who receive a calling like this often joke, “If you think you can do it, God didn’t tell you to do it!” I find comfort in that thought as I continually seek His strength and wisdom each day.

With all this in mind, the work on the Fear of God (F.O.G) Bible officially began in September 2023—marking the one-year anniversary of my encounter with Him over coffee. The first book drafted was Ruth, and the entire New Testament was drafted on February 10, 2024 (10-02-2024 for my American friends). Just four days later, on Valentine’s Day, I launched this brand-new social learning website—fittingly, because God is Love. ❤️

I am now working on the new F.O.G Greek Lexicon, so as to refine my draft translation of the Greek New Testament, which should be ready for review and public comment by November 2024. I invite you to join this journey with me, to explore His Word more deeply, and to experience the richness of its original ancient context.

But let me be clear now.

Every reputable English Bible translation agrees on the core truths of the glory and majesty of the risen Lord Jesus, the Messiah, or as I like to call Him, יהוה (Yahweh) ישוע Yeshua. He is the King of kings, and will soon return to establish a literal “on earth as it is in Heaven” Kingdom. That day will be the best day of our lives, and I can’t wait! Come Lord Jesus!

However, the only truly perfect “word-for-word” Bible, free from any scribal “issues” or biases, is found in the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek manuscripts in which His words were recorded. This is simply a fact, as any translator or native speaker would confirm.

So let’s talk about what the F.O.G is based on and the translation process.

The F.O.G is Based On

The King James Version

You could say this project began when He instructed me to write down all His “red-letter” words, which I did using the King James Version (KJV). The KJV Bible is known for its regal poetic rhythm and is considered one of the most accurate “word-for-word” translations for English speakers. It is also the most widely sold Bible version and, as a result, one of the most frequently quoted. I love the King James Bible, but the 412-year-old English can make it challenging for modern readers to grasp important theological nuances. That’s why I turned to another Bible translation, the NASB, which was created and first published in 1971 during the height of the Jesus People movement.

The New American
Standard Bible 1995

If you’re looking for a “Word-for-Word” Bible translation that makes more sense to modern readers, the NASB 95 is the current gold standard. I use it every day, and it is excellent for maintaining consistency in translation throughout the Bible. I have very few criticisms of it; however, one thing I do miss compared to the NLT is the use of modern-day measurements and dates. For example, the NASB will simply write “ephah,” a term unfamiliar to most of us, when it means 22 liters or 5.81 gallons. For the F.O.G Study Bible, I want such measurements to be readily available in the text itself—not just in the footnotes—to reduce “brain fatigue” and make understanding easier.

The New Living Translation

I highly recommend the NLT for anyone looking to experience the Word of God in a fresh and engaging way. Its use of modern-day English, along with specific dates like “August 13th, 586 BC,” helps transport readers back in time, making the Bible’s stories and lessons feel vivid and alive. While the NLT is excellent for readability, it isn’t a traditional study Bible, as it doesn’t strictly maintain the original wording and phrasing; instead, it uses contemporary language to convey the core message of the text. That said, it remains one of my top choices for those looking to read it alongside the F.O.G Study Bible.

The Amplified Classic

The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC), is a favorite among many devoted Christians who want to uncover the deeper layers of meaning found in the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. It excels in providing expanded definitions and alternative renderings of key words and phrases, which helps readers grasp the full range of meanings in the original languages. This makes it a valuable tool for in-depth study and for those who want more than just a surface-level understanding of Scripture. However, like the NASB 1995, the AMPC does not provide modern measurements and dates, which can sometimes require extra effort for contemporary readers to fully understand. Additionally, while the “wordy amplifications” can enrich study, they can also make the text less readable and more challenging to quote. Despite these points, the Amplified Classic is an excellent choice for those looking to dive deeper into God’s Word, offering a unique blend of translation and commentary that enriches personal study.

The Complete Jewish Bible

The Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) has been a revelation! Published by Messianic Jews who love ישוע (Yeshua), this translation allows readers to experience the deeply Jewish roots of our faith by presenting people, places, and key terms transliterated from Hebrew. Every time I read it, I am reminded of Jesus’ words: “Salvation is of the Jews,” which ultimately points back to Him. The modern church owes a great debt of gratitude to the Jewish scribes who faithfully preserved the mysterious truths of Yahweh Elohim for millennia, and then wrote about ישוע (Yeshua) HaMaschiach (the Messiah). I highly recommend the CJB for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and the Jewish context of the Bible. However, like the NLT, it is not designed to be a study Bible, but rather to broaden your perspective on Scripture.

The Passion Translation

Oh yes, I do enjoy stirring the pot, which is precisely why I am including and referencing The Passion Translation (tPt) in the F.O.G Study Bible. I appreciate the depth of passion and love that shines through Brian Simmons’ version, even if I don’t always agree with his lengthy footnotes. When you read the tPt, you can’t help but be drawn deeper into the person and divinity of Yahweh Yeshua, feeling His love and presence in a fresh, intimate way. This kind of heart connection is vital because it cultivates a genuine relationship with Him—ensuring that you never face the dreaded words, “I don’t know you!” The tPt serves as a powerful reminder that our faith is not just about knowledge, but about a living, vibrant relationship with our Savior.

The World Messianic Bible

The primary reason for using this translation, which is based on the public domain “American Standard Version,” is that it is copyright-free and preserves the Jewish context—an essential aspect for this project. I am genuinely grateful for the effort that went into this version, completed in 2020, as it enables me to work freely without worrying about copyright issues. This allows me to store the full manuscript and let people compare my edits directly against it.

Now that you understand the foundation of the F.O.G Study Bible, let’s dive into its specific aims and purpose.

Introducing the F.O.G Study Bible & Lexicon Commentary


To Embrace the Revealed Names
of the Elohim (God) called
יהוה (Yahweh).

The sacred name יהוה (YHWH) appears 6,720 times in the Hebrew Bible, almost three times more often than the word אֱלֹהִים (Elohim, God). In English, it is written as YHWH, which is a transliteration of the Hebrew יהוה (Yahweh).

According to rabbinic tradition, this name is pronounced in a soft, breathy way. In Hebrew, this conveys the profound meaning of “the Breath of Life Himself.”

Most English Bibles translate this name as “THE LORD.” However, I prefer to use “יהוה (Yahweh)” because our אֱלֹהִים (Elohim) is a loving Father who wants His children to know Him by all His names.

What greater proof of this love could there be than Him sending Himself in the flesh and blood of ישוע (Yeshua) to die for our deviations from His perfect way, so that all who believe in Him will be saved?

To honor these New Covenant marriage vows between God and a purified humanity, I will use Hebrew-to-English transliteration to help readers pronounce the original names of God. These names and titles include El-Shaddai (God Almighty or The All-Sustaining One) and יהוה (Yahweh) Tsidqenu (Yahweh our Righteousness). Praise God!

To Embrace the Jewish
Roots of our Salvation and
the Mystery of ישוע (Yeshua)

My heart deeply longs for the Jewish people to believe in their Messiah, ישוע (Yeshua)! This desire must be supernatural because, after all, I’m a British English-speaking Frenchman, born in South Africa, and now living in New Zealand—I’m not Jewish! Quite a story, I know!

The Fear of God (F.O.G) Bible is designed to speak directly to my Jewish friends, showing them that God is indeed their loving Abba who wants to be known personally through ישוע (Yeshua) and His רוּחַ הַקֹּדֶשׁ (Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit) within them. Yes, the rabbis were right in saying the Messiah was expected 2,000 years ago. But no, you didn’t miss Him because of any unworthiness. He did come, but His own people didn’t recognize Him as the Messiah because they were expecting a political leader to overthrow Rome. His first mission, however, was spiritual—to overthrow the Adversary. Rest assured, His second coming will bring the political rule you desire, with His iron scepter guiding the nations. What an incredible day it will be when the King governs the world!

With this in mind, the F.O.G Bible incorporates Hebrew terms and sometimes even script to communicate these truths to my Jewish friends while also revealing the fascinating mysteries of Jewish context to non-Jews.

To Simplify Religious ‘Lingo’

Our modern Bibles have gone through many layers of translation—from the original Hebrew and Aramaic to Greek, then Latin, and finally to English. While the essential message of salvation has been wonderfully preserved, some of the deeper mysteries concerning spiritual authority and closeness to God’s throne have become clouded. This is especially true with the introduction of Latin religious terms that made sense over a millennium ago but can be confusing today.

When a simpler and more accurate word or phrase exists that better conveys the meaning of a “religious word,” it will either replace the original term or have an explanatory note (in brackets) next to it. For example, the term “saints” is often misunderstood. To maintain the original Jewish understanding—where “holy ones” are those declared holy by the Holy One—we replace “saints” with “holy ones.” You will find many such adjustments throughout the F.O.G. Bible to bring clarity and understanding to readers.

To Remove and Condense English Words added to our Bibles.

When translating ancient texts into English, certain words need to be added to make the text understandable to our modern ears. If you compare the KJV or even the ‘gold standard’ NASB with the original Hebrew and Greek texts, including their word order, you might be surprised by the differences! In fact, you might even be tempted to view these highly accurate “Word-for-Word” translations as paraphrases. This is simply the nature of translation, even between modern languages—let alone translating an ancient text that lacks punctuation!

Rest assured, this does not change the core message of truth in our Bibles. However, the Fear of God (F.O.G.) Bible will sometimes use a more “ancient” style by reducing the number of added English words. Unnecessary words will also be removed; for example, the KJV’s “an hundred and forty-four thousand” becomes simply “144,000.” The goal is to create a text that feels both authentic in its ancient style and easy to read.

To use Modern Dates and Measurements

By using modern dates and measurements, readers can better visualize and follow what is happening in the text. For example, when Ruth receives a generous provision from Boaz while gleaning in his field, it is described as an “ephah.” In the F.O.G Bible, this will be presented as “ephah (22L)” using UK measurements to clearly illustrate how abundant her provision was.

In the F.O.G. Message, the same will be shown using US measurements, such as “ephah (5.81 gallons),” to cater to different readers. This dual approach ensures the Bible is accessible and understandable to both UK and US audiences.

To Reduce the Need for More than
three Versions of the Bible

To be completely honest, this is a personal goal of mine. I understand that regularly reading more than seven versions of the Bible isn’t practical in the long run. My aim, יהוה (Yahweh) willing, is to create one of the most accurate, contextually faithful “Word-for-Word” study Bibles.

This would allow me to compare it with just one or two other versions, making Bible study more manageable. While this is a personal goal, I believe it will also resonate with many of you who enjoy exploring multiple versions of His Word.

To Embrace Transparency

One morning, I was filled with the fear of יהוה (Yahweh), and it made me realize the gravity of my responsibility as His “reborn scribe.” To honor this calling, every change made to the manuscript will be publicly trackable online—something I believe is a first for any new Bible project.

This transparency is achieved through a public manuscript that uses technology to automatically track every keystroke. I’m excited to offer this feature, as it will support peer review and encourage meaningful discussions within the community of Jesus lovers about the choices I’ve made in translating His Word.

To Embrace Ancient
Poetic Metaphor

Did you know that biblical scholars estimate that up to 40% of the Bible is poetry? And it’s not just any poetry—it’s יהוה (Yahweh)-inspired, ancient poetry that is both unique and, at times, quite mysterious. This translation seeks to preserve some of these distinctive expressions, especially in the wisdom and prophetic books, while offering explanations in brackets or footnotes when needed.

However, not every phrase will be explained. The King James Version has shown us that lines like “The Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters” can still resonate deeply with us today without additional clarification.

To Embrace
‘Echoes’ of Agape!
(True Sacrificial Love.)

I conclude with this key aim because it is the most important after #1: it honors יהוה (Yahweh’s) ❤️ heart of love for you. Understanding this will open the doors and floodgates of revelation in your Bible reading. When you truly “grasp this,” a whole new world of understanding—and the Bible’s core message from beginning to end—will begin to transform your mind.

In the Hebrew Bible, certain keywords and phrases are deliberately repeated to make you recall other parts of Scripture. When you notice these recurring phrases, you’ve found a golden nugget or gemstone that can lead to a deeper understanding of יהוה (Yahweh)’s righteousness and justice.

Our goal is to preserve these consistent words and phrases as much as possible, not only in the Hebrew texts but also in the ‘Greek-westernized’ New Testament (Covenant). This approach will serve as a powerful study tool for comparing the ‘old’ and ‘new’ covenant vows that God has made with humanity through Jesus.

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For where two or three are assembled in My Name, there I AM in their middle.

Matthew 18:20 F.O.G