Word Studies

Brief Overview of προφθάνω/προσφθάνω (Strong’s G4399: prophthano/prosphthano)

Strong’s G4399: A compound verb combining either πρό (before) or πρός (toward) with φθάνω (to come, arrive), meaning to anticipate or to come before Used in contexts of anticipatory action, particularly describing Jesus’ foreknowledge and anticipatory engagement with disciples. U-…

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Brief Overview of προσωπολημπτέω (Strong’s G4380: prosōpolēmpteō)

Strong’s G4380: A compound verb derived from πρόσωπον (face) and λαμβάνω (to take/receive), meaning to show favoritism or partiality based on outward appearance. Used in biblical contexts to condemn discrimination and emphasize God’s impartial character. U- Unveiling the Word Προσωπολημπτέω…

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Brief Overview of προσκαρτέρησις (Strong’s G4343: proskarterēsis)

Strong’s G4343: A noun derived from προσκαρτερέω, combining pros (toward) with karterēsis (steadfastness), meaning “perseverance, persistent continuance.” Used uniquely in Ephesians to describe the persistent devotion needed in prayer, emphasizing unwavering spiritual commitment. U- Unveiling the Word Προσκαρτέρησις represents steadfast…

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