Keyword Categories Latin

Brief Overview of σικάριος (Strong’s G4607: sikarios)

Strong’s G4607: A noun borrowed from Latin (sicarius), meaning “assassin” or “dagger-man.” Refers to Jewish extremists who carried concealed daggers and committed murders for political or religious motives. In Acts, it provides historical context for political unrest in first-century Judea.…

Brief Overview of Σέργιος (Strong’s G4588: Sergios)

Strong’s G4588: A Latin name representing Sergius Paulus, a Roman proconsul of Cyprus who became a believer through Paul’s ministry. His conversion demonstrates the gospel’s reach to high-ranking Roman officials and represents an early example of Christianity’s impact on Roman…

Brief Overview of Σεκοῦνδος (Strong’s G4580: Sekoundos)

Strong’s G4580: A Latin name meaning “second,” transliterated into Greek. Secundus was a Thessalonian Christian who accompanied Paul during part of his third missionary journey, representing the early church’s cultural diversity and the spread of the gospel among various peoples.…

Brief Overview of σεβαστός (Strong’s G4575: sebastos)

Strong’s G4575: From σέβας (reverence), σεβαστός literally means “worthy of reverence.” In Roman imperial context, it became the Greek translation of the Latin “Augustus,” a title of supreme honor for Roman emperors, signifying divine veneration and imperial majesty. U- Unveiling…