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Has anyone ever told you: יהוה (Yahweh) God loves you and has a great plan for your life?
Has anyone ever told you: יהוה (Yahweh) God loves you and has a great plan for your life?
Strong’s G5622: From ophello (to heap up, increase), opheleia denotes advantage, benefit, or profit. In New Testament usage, it particularly emphasizes spiritual benefit and divine advantage, especially in Paul’s theological discussions about the value of Jewish heritage and religious practices.…
Strong’s G5586: A small, smooth stone used for counting or voting in ancient courts, derived from ψάω (to rub). Represents both the physical ballot stone and metaphorically, a vote or judicial decision. Significant in Greco-Roman legal proceedings and early Christian…
Strong’s G5585: From ψῆφος (pebble/vote); to compute by using pebbles, a method of calculation in ancient Greece. Refers to careful counting or calculation, especially in the context of thoughtful planning and deliberate decision-making. Used metaphorically in NT for counting the…
Strong’s G5553: A diminutive of χρυσός (chrysos), χρυσίον refers to gold in its refined form, specifically gold coins or ornaments. Used metaphorically in Scripture to represent spiritual wealth, purity, and divine value. Derived from Proto-Indo-European *ghreu-, meaning “to shine, glitter.”…
Strong’s G5518: A dry measure equivalent to about one quart (1.1 liters), used for daily food rations in ancient times. This measurement was considered the typical daily allowance of grain for one person, making it significant in understanding economic conditions…
Strong’s G5516: A mystical number-symbol representing 666 in Greek numerology, formed by combining three Greek letters: chi (χ = 600), xi (ξ = 60), and stigma (Ϛ = 6). This alphanumeric cipher appears exclusively in Revelation, embodying profound apocalyptic significance…
Strong’s G5507: A cardinal number meaning “thousand,” derived from ancient Greek, representing both literal numerical value and symbolic completeness in biblical contexts, particularly significant in apocalyptic literature and divine time reckoning. U- Unveiling the Word The Greek word χίλιοι carries…
Strong’s G5505: A thousand, a group of one thousand, or a military division. Derived from χίλιοι (chilioi), this noun specifically denotes a numerical grouping, often in military or administrative contexts, highlighting organizational structure in both secular and apocalyptic literature. U-…
Strong’s G5154: An ordinal number meaning “third,” tritos appears prominently in resurrection prophecies and fulfillment. Its usage particularly emphasizes the timing of the Messiah’s resurrection “on the third day,” marking the definitive moment of victory over death. U- Unveiling the…
Strong’s G5153: A cardinal number meaning “three thousand,” trischilioi appears in Acts describing the dramatic growth of the early church at Pentecost. The number symbolizes supernatural increase and divine blessing in the establishment of God’s new covenant community. U- Unveiling…
Strong’s G5151: An adverb meaning “three times,” tris appears in significant New Testament contexts, particularly Peter’s denial and Paul’s prayers. It often symbolizes divine completeness or testing, marking pivotal moments in spiritual journeys. U- Unveiling the Word The Greek word…
Strong’s G5145: A cardinal number meaning “three hundred,” triakosioi appears in contexts involving significant value assessments in the New Testament. Its usage often relates to measuring worth, particularly in relation to sacred offerings and sacrificial devotion. U- Unveiling the Word…
Strong’s G5144: A cardinal number meaning “thirty,” triakonta appears in significant contexts throughout Scripture, from harvest yields to prophetic timelines. Its usage often symbolizes spiritual growth, divine preparation, and multiplication in God’s kingdom purposes. U- Unveiling the Word The Greek…
Strong’s G5140: The cardinal number “three,” treis appears frequently in both literal and symbolic contexts throughout Scripture. It often signifies divine completeness, perfection, and the fulfillment of God’s purposes, particularly in relation to the Messiah’s resurrection. U- Unveiling the Word…
Strong’s G5092: A noun meaning “price, value, or honor,” used for both monetary worth and abstract honor. Appears in crucial contexts about Christ’s redemptive price, honor due to God and others, and the value God places on His people. U-…
Strong’s G5073: A compound adjective meaning “fourfold,” formed from τετρα- (four) and -πλοῦς (fold). Used in the context of Zacchaeus’s remarkable restitution, demonstrating genuine repentance through generous compensation that exceeded legal requirements for restoration of wrongfully acquired goods. U- Unveiling…
Strong’s G5071: A cardinal numeral meaning “four hundred,” derived from τετρα (four) and -κόσιοι (hundred). Used in both historical narratives and prophetic contexts in the New Testament, it represents precise chronological markers and significant numerical details in biblical accounts. U-…
Strong’s G5070: A compound numeral derived from τετράκις (four times) and χίλιοι (thousand), meaning “four thousand.” Used specifically in the Gospels to describe the miraculous feeding of four thousand people by Jesus, demonstrating His divine power to provide abundantly for…
Strong’s G5069: A neuter noun meaning “a squad of four soldiers,” from τετρα- (four). Used in Acts to describe Roman guard units assigned to Peter’s imprisonment, highlighting the intensity of his captivity and the miraculous nature of his deliverance. U…
Strong’s G5067: An ordinal number meaning “fourth,” used significantly in both sequential counting and apocalyptic imagery. In the Gospels, marks the fourth watch when Jesus walks on water; in Revelation, appears in descriptions of divine judgment and heavenly order. U…
Strong’s G5064: A cardinal number meaning “four,” carrying symbolic significance in biblical numerology. Often represents completeness and universality, particularly in apocalyptic literature, referring to the four corners/winds of the earth and cosmic fullness. U – Unveiling the Word τέσσαρες represents…
Strong’s G5062: A cardinal number meaning “forty,” appearing significantly in biblical narratives of testing, preparation, and divine encounters. Used symbolically to denote complete periods of trial, purification, or spiritual formation in both Old and New Testament contexts. U – Unveiling…
Strong’s G5007: A noun designating both a weight measure (about 100 pounds) and a monetary unit of significant value. In the New Testament, τάλαντον primarily appears in parables teaching stewardship of divine resources and responsibilities. U- Unveiling the Word τάλαντον…
Strong’s G5006: An adjective meaning “weighing a talent” (about 100 pounds), ταλαντιαῖος describes massive hailstones in Revelation’s judgment scene. Its use emphasizes the overwhelming magnitude of divine judgment through supernatural phenomena. U- Unveiling the Word ταλαντιαῖος represents extraordinary divine power…
Strong’s G5001: A noun meaning “order, rank, division,” τάγμα originally described military formations. In the New Testament, it uniquely describes God’s orderly plan for resurrection, emphasizing the strategic sequence of the Messiah’s victory over death. U- Unveiling the Word τάγμα…
Strong’s G4860: A compound verb combining συν- (with) and ψηφίζω (to count with pebbles), meaning “to compute, calculate together.” Used in Acts to describe the public accounting of the value of magic books burned by new believers, demonstrating the concrete…
Strong’s G4785: A compound verb meaning “to count or vote together with, to number with by voting.” From σύν (with), κατά (down), and ψῆφος (pebble/vote). Used in Acts to describe Matthias being numbered with the eleven apostles through a formal…
Strong’s G4715: A silver coin equivalent to four drachmas or one Jewish shekel, used for paying the temple tax. In New Testament context, it represents divine provision through miracle, appearing in Jesus’ instruction to Peter about finding the coin in…
Strong’s G4712: A Greek unit of length measuring approximately 600 feet (185 meters), also referring to a race course of this length. In New Testament usage, it serves both as a precise measurement and metaphorically in discussions of spiritual racing…
Strong’s G4686: A feminine noun denoting a Roman military cohort, typically consisting of 600 soldiers, or one-tenth of a legion. In New Testament usage, it represents Roman military authority, particularly in the Passion narrative and Acts, symbolizing worldly power encountering…
Strong’s G4620: A compound noun meaning “measured portion of grain” or “food allowance.” Used in the context of household management, particularly regarding the responsibility of faithful stewards to provide regular portions of food to those under their care. U- Unveiling…
Strong’s G4580: A Latin name meaning “second,” transliterated into Greek. Secundus was a Thessalonian Christian who accompanied Paul during part of his third missionary journey, representing the early church’s cultural diversity and the spread of the gospel among various peoples.…
Strong’s G4568: A Hebrew measure of dry capacity, equivalent to approximately 13 liters or 1.5 pecks. Used in Jesus’ parable of the leaven to illustrate the transformative power of the kingdom, where three measures would feed about 100 people, signifying…
Strong’s G4413: An adjective meaning “first” in time, place, order, or importance. Derived from πρό (before). Used to indicate primacy, priority, and preeminence in both temporal and rank-based contexts. Carries significant theological weight in discussions of Christ’s supremacy and divine…
Strong’s G4237: A feminine noun derived from πράσον (leek/garden plant), denoting a garden bed or plot. In the New Testament, it specifically refers to orderly groupings of people, metaphorically drawn from the image of organized garden plots, highlighting divine order…
Strong’s G4119: The comparative form of πολύς (polys), meaning “more, greater in quantity or quality.” Used in contexts requiring comparison. In New Testament usage, it often appears in Jesus’s teachings to emphasize higher standards of righteousness and in discussions of…
Strong’s G4118: The superlative form of πολύς (polys), meaning “most, very many, greatest in quantity.” In ancient Greek, it expressed the highest degree of numerical or quantitative comparison. In New Testament usage, it emphasizes the magnitude of events, particularly in…
Strong’s G4114: A noun meaning breadth or width, derived from πλατύς (platys). In ancient Greek, it was used for physical measurements. In New Testament usage, particularly in Ephesians and Revelation, it takes on metaphorical significance describing the vastness of God’s…
Strong’s G4083: A noun meaning “cubit,” a measurement from elbow to fingertip (approximately 18 inches). In biblical contexts, used metaphorically to discuss human inability to extend life through worry, and literally in measuring the New Jerusalem, representing divine precision. U-…
Strong’s G4004: From πέντε (five); meaning “fifty.” Used in NT for organizing crowds, measuring distances, and in parables. Significant in Jewish culture, connected to Pentecost and Jubilee. Appears in contexts of divine order and organization, particularly in feeding miracles. U-…
Strong’s G4003: From πέντε (five), καί (and), and δέκατος (tenth); meaning “fifteenth.” Used uniquely in Luke to precisely date John the Baptist’s ministry. Demonstrates Luke’s attention to historical detail and places biblical events in verifiable historical context. U- Unveiling the…
Strong’s G4002: Cardinal number meaning “five.” Appears significantly in NT narratives, especially in the feeding of five thousand and parables. Often used symbolically in biblical numerology. In ancient culture, represented God’s grace and human incompleteness when contrasted with divine perfection.…
Strong’s G4001: From πέντε (five) and -κόσιοι (hundred); meaning “five hundred.” In NT appears in Jesus’s parable of two debtors and Paul’s account of resurrection witnesses. Represents significant quantities in teaching contexts about forgiveness and faith evidence. U- Unveiling the…
Strong’s G4000: Compound of πεντάκις (five times) and χίλιοι (thousand), meaning “five thousand.” Used specifically in gospel accounts of Jesus feeding the multitude. Represents divine provision and miraculous multiplication. Significant number in demonstrating Christ’s power and compassion. U- Unveiling the…
Strong’s G3999: From πέντε (five); adverb meaning “five times.” Used exclusively in Paul’s account of his sufferings for Christ, specifically referring to receiving thirty-nine lashes from the Jews. Signifies repeated persecution and demonstrates Paul’s endurance for the gospel. U- Unveiling…
Strong’s G3991: Ordinal number meaning “fifth.” In NT usage, appears primarily in Revelation’s sequences of judgments and descriptions. Significant in apocalyptic literature for its place in divine ordering of events. Related to number five’s symbolic meaning of God’s grace and…
Brief Overview of ὀργυιά (Strong’s G3712: orgyía)
Brief Overview of ὀκτώ (Strong’s G3638: oktō)
Brief Overview of ὀκταήμερος (Strong’s G3637: oktaēmeros)
Brief Overview of ὄγδοος (Strong’s G3590: ogdoos)
Brief Overview of ὀγδοήκοντα (Strong’s G3589: ogdoēkonta)
Brief Overview of νυχθήμερον (Strong’s G3574: nuchthēmeron)
Brief Overview of Ναζαρηνός (Strong’s G3479: Nazarenos)
Brief Overview of μυρίος (Strong’s G3463: myrios)
Brief Overview of μυριάς (Strong’s G3461: myriás)
Brief Overview of μόδιος (Strong’s G3426: modios)
Brief Overview of μνᾶ (Strong’s G3414: mna)
Brief Overview of Μίλιον (Strong’s G3400: mílion)
Brief Overview of μικρός (Strong’s G3398: mikrós)
Brief Overview of μικρόν (Strong’s G3397: mikrón)
Brief Overview of μήν (Strong’s G3376: mēn)
Brief Overview of μεσονύκτιον (Strong’s G3317: mesonýktion)
Brief Overview of μεσημβρία (Strong’s G3314: mesēmbria)
Brief Overview of λίτρα (Strong’s G3046: litra)
Brief Overview of λεπτόν (Strong’s G3016: lepton)
Brief Overview of λεγιών (Strong’s G3003: legiōn)
Brief Overview of κόρος (Strong’s G2884: Koros)
Brief Overview of ἡμιώριον (Strong’s G2256: hēmiōrion)
Brief Overview of ἥμισυς (Strong’s G2255: hēmisys)
Brief Overview of ἑπτακισχίλιοι (Strong’s G2035: heptakischilioi)
Brief Overview of ἑπτά (Strong’s G2033: hepta)
Brief Overview of ἑξήκοντα (Strong’s G1835: hexēkonta)
Brief Overview of ἑξακόσιοι (Strong’s G1812: hexakósioi)
Brief Overview of ἕξ (Strong’s G1803: hex)
Brief Overview of ἐνενήκοντα (Strong’s G1768)
Brief Overview of ἐννέα (Strong’s G1767)
Brief Overview of ἔνατος (Strong’s G1766)
Brief Overview of ἑνδέκατος (Strong’s G1734: hendekatos)
Brief Overview of ἕνδεκα (Strong’s G1733: hendeka)
Brief Overview of ἕκτος (Strong’s G1623: héktos)
Brief Overview of ἑκατονταπλασίων (Strong’s G1542: hekatontaplasiōn)
Brief Overview of ἑκατονταέτης (Strong’s G1541: hekatontaetēs)
Brief Overview of ἑκατόν (Strong’s G1540: hekaton)
Brief Overview of εἷς καθ᾽ εἷς (Strong’s G1527: heis kath' heis)
Brief Overview of εἷς (Strong’s G1520: heis)
Brief Overview of εἴκοσι (Strong’s G1501: eíkosi)
Brief Overview of ἕβδομος (G1442: hebdomos)
Brief Overview of ἑβδομηκοντάκις (G1441: hebdomēkontákis)
Brief Overview of ἑβδομήκοντα (G1440: hebdomēkonta)
Brief overview of δωδέκατος (G1428: dōdékatos)
Brief overview of δώδεκα (G1427: dṓdeka)
Brief Overview of δύο (G1417: dýo)
Brief Overview of δισχίλιοι (G1367: dischilioi)
Brief Overview of διπλοῦς (G1362: diplous)
Brief Overview of διακόσιοι (G1250: diakósioi)
Brief Overview of δεύτερος (G1208: deuteros)
Brief Overview of δευτεραῖος (G1206: deuteraios)
Brief Overview of δέκατος (G1182: dékatos)
Brief Overview of δεκάτη (G1181: dekátē)
Brief Overview of δεκατέσσαρες (G1180: dekatéssares)
Brief Overview of Δεκαπέντε (G1178: Dekapénte)
Brief Overview of ἀμφότεροι (Strong's G297:)