
Beyond External Religion: Φαρισαῖος (Strong’s G5330: Pharisaios) Warns Against Legalism

Strong’s G5330: A noun derived from Aramaic meaning “separated one.” Describes influential Jewish religious sect emphasizing strict observance of law and tradition. Used frequently in Gospels to illustrate contrast between external religion and true heart transformation. Represents religious hypocrisy versus…

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Graceful Service: Ταβιθά (Strong’s G5000: Tabitha) Exemplifies Resurrection Power

Strong’s G5000: A feminine proper name meaning “gazelle” in Aramaic, Ταβιθά (translated as Dorcas in Greek) exemplifies early Christian service and discipleship. Her resurrection through Peter’s ministry demonstrates divine power working through faithful servants. U- Unveiling the Word Ταβιθά represents…

Read MoreGraceful Service: Ταβιθά (Strong’s G5000: Tabitha) Exemplifies Resurrection Power