Are you ready
To Enter through the Gate
To יהוה YAHWEH’s Kingdom?


This is the most important question you can ever sincerely ask yourself and if you are ready to do so today it will mark the most important day of your life.

  • More important than the day you were born
  • More important than the day you marry
  • More exciting than the day you make your first million dollars

Because יהוה YAHWEH’s Kingdom is a pearl of great price and when found nothing else will matter in the same way to you again.

This decision will lead to a day where you will meet Jesus face to face in the clouds.

Now this isn’t pie in the sky theology, but personal for all those who hunger and thirst to enter the new Kingdom age with King Jesus (ישוע Yeshua). Because you see all those scientists with their 90s to doomsday clocks are right because this world will pass away and you need to know where your ageless home is.

There’s only two options for you:

  • An eternity of life, love and satisfying relationship in King Jesus now and in the future.
  • An eternity of complete darkness and separation from the Creator of everything.

It really is that simple and yes I know, sobering.

Thankfully, since Jesus came to earth to show us all a way better way and then fulfilled His ultimate purpose to bleed and die for you, to pay the spiritual “bridal price” to restore you back into a covenant ‘marriage’ relationship with your God. Jesus did this by having ALL of humanities sins, past, present and future placed on Him, which means that you are now redeemed of any and all the mistakes of your past!

It doesn’t matter what you have done, how “bad” you are, as there is no deviation from Him which His blood can’t redeem. That is how powerful the blood of His fiery love is, that it literally burns up your past mistakes in the courtroom of Heaven to make you a new person. Something Christians call a rebirth from above!

Wait a minute, you may say…

I’ve seen all these “religious people” before, with all their strict rules and stifling religious environments but rest assured that most of this is just “rules and traditions of man!” Jesus made the process of securing your eternal place with Him SIMPLE! You will soon be praising God by the end of this page.

Now you might not even fully comprehend the magnitude right now as you read this, but I’m trying my utmost to set the stage for you of what is about to happen. You can never truly know, the joy of salvation, until you KNOW! He is in Spirit, at your exact location right now, as you are reading this and He’s waiting to talk with you personally about the wonderful things He has planned for you.

This is one of the most beautiful things you will learn about Jesus, that with Him, there’s no “religious rules” per se, but rather a question.

Did You Learn to Truly Love?

Take a minute and welcome Him right now. Do this however you want in your own words along the lines of,

I want to truly know you JESUS!

I want to actually know this goodness of God that I keep hearing Christians talk about. I’m sorry for anything in my life that has grieved you and caused us to be distant. I thank you for your blood that removes the record of every time I deviated from Your perfect way. Thank you Jesus! I’m here listening for You and You alone.

Just be still for a minute to listen and pay attention to any small details.

Start with noticing your breath, take Him in for He is Spirit, which is a Hebrew word ר֣וּחַ spoken in English as “RUACH” and this word literally means “breath” and “wind“. As you do this, the most tangible thing you will notice as He comes to spend time with you, is this awe inspiring sense of peace. One of His royal titles is the Prince of Peace. So enjoy it, sit in it because we all need more peace in this chaotic world.

Be still and know that I AM GOD.
Psalm 46:10

After enjoying His peace, He will then lead you to do certain things and it’s hard to explain, but you will just know to do something. He might tell you to pick up the Bible and open to a page, He might tell you to watch a video, play a song on Spotify or pray for somebody. Prayer is divinely all powerful when done in His presence.

Again no rules here!

Do you have rules when spending time with your friends?

Just enjoy His company and at the same time because He is a King, be ready to act if you get something clear from Him because that means a spiritual door has opened up to you which will take you higher. When He gives you an assignment, He will help you by His Holy Spirit now living in you to accomplish it.

As you can probably see, there is a process, when it comes to giving yourself over to God and it becomes more natural with each passing day you spend time with Him. In the beginning it may just be five minutes, but the more you do it, the more you will want to do it. Again, I keep saying this as its important, there are no rules or best way of doing it, sometimes you could quite literally just sit in silence and meditate on Him for hours.

The eastern meditation techniques of this world are always focused on “emptying yourself” as in clearing your mind. Yet the real divine meditation, is when you “fill” your mind and fixate on Him in gratitude for what He’s doing and will do. The more you do this and listen in a faithful expectation of hearing, you will be amazed at how you start to get clear direction from above.

Do this daily and one day you will find yourself by His side as a “set apart holy one” who gets to rule and reign in His New Land! Amazing isn’t it and an awesome privilege to be on His side, with the King of the Universe!

Now if you’ve taken the time to sit and wait in His peace, I have a question for you.

Did you feel the Prince of Peace?

If you didn’t, keep believing my friend, you will be rewarded! And if you did feel that peace of the Prince of Peace, let’s seal the deal because Jesus said.

Therefore, everyone who will confess in Me before men, I confess in him before My Father in Heaven.
Matthew 10:32 F.O.G

So after this guided spiritual experience are you confident that.

  • Jesus died for all humanity and therefore you! Your past is paid for in His blood.
  • And since you can clearly feel His presence now, do you believe that יהוה YAHWEH who is your Father above has raised Jesus from the dead?

That’s really as simple as it is! You’ve believed in Him and are now written into the scroll of life which guarantees that you will enter into His Paradise at your appointed time. This truly is awe-inspiring and earth shaking stuff. In fact, Matthew 27:51-53 records that there was an earthquake when He died and tombs cracking open when He conquered death!

So I Will Stand Witness With You Today

By your confession of believing faith in Him, I bear witness with you, that you are a redeemed child of יהוה YAHWEH and will rule and reign with Him, King ישוע Yeshua.

My Abba Father, I pray You now seal them in Your blood and by Spirit so that not one shall be missing on the day you’ve planned since the beginning. Raise them up to be mighty for you! Use them to impact the people and world around them.

With that deep foundational truth set in your heart, you are now ready to make a statement to the Heavenlies, which are eagerly awaiting your declaration. This ensures that your name is inscribed in the scroll of life and this that you will spend eternity with Him in Paradise.

So I encourage you to tell someone what you have just done and me too please @JeanPaulJoseph. Do something, this is the biggest news of your life! So talk to someone, send a text message, whatever you want. He is right now, removing any old fear of man that you may have had because and this is really important, what Jesus says.

(32) Therefore, everyone who will confess in Me before men, I will confess in him before My Abba Father in skies above. (33) But whoever maybe denies Me before men, I will deny him before My Abba Father in skies above.
Matthew 10:3233 (F.O.G)

Ok now what! What’s next?


Man Tattooed Praying

1. Form a Daily Habit of being with Him.

This beautiful experience you just had, make a habit of it! Always be attentive to small details because He often speaks in whispers. Add some praise and worship music to your time, like Jeremy Riddle’s album “In the prayer room.” ישוע Yeshua will lead you to the perfect worship playlist for your times together.

2. Read His Words to You daily.

The Bible is a love letter to you, a contract of spiritual marriage but also a warning to those not following Him. Remember you are on His side now, so embrace this wonderful truth when you are reading some of the more difficult passages of the Bible. Take it as an opportunity to thank Him that He chose you to be with Him from before even the foundations of this world were laid. That’s how special you are to Him! However, the tough love Bible passages you will read are also a reminder for you to pray for loved ones, who haven’t chosen Him yet.

Photo Of People Gathering In Room

3. Find a Good Church Community

Be prayerful on this! Because not all Churches are the same and many are way too religious for their own good. I would say, the perfect litmus test is to ask the pastor his or her testimony and then tell yours and how you have been enjoying spending time in the Holy Spirit’s presence. Dangerous churches, you should avoid like the plague, get very uncomfortable at the mention of Holy Spirit because many of them actually preach that He no longer works in His people.

My suggestion, unless Jesus specifically tells you to bring revival there, is run a mile! Another suggestion is to look for people who love to worship, where you can feel love and life in their praise and worship to Jesus. But again, this is ultra personal for you, so ask Jesus to help you find your church assembly.

Did you Join Kingdom Life Today?

Let me know at @JeanPaulJoseph – I would love to celebrate with you and pray the blessing of God upon your life!