Category Biblical Questions
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Who Was Maria Woodworth Etter?
Introduction This morning, I was reminded of the incredible life of Maria Woodworth Etter, a woman whose deep faith and dedication to Yeshua led her to be recognized as the matriarch of Pentecost. Her remarkable ministry was marked by the…
What Exactly Does Grieving the Holy Spirit Mean, and How Can I Avoid It?
Introduction Have you ever read Ephesians 4:30-32, where it says, “Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit”? As you continue reading, the verse provides examples of behaviors that cause grief—bitterness, anger, slander, and malice among them. Reflecting on this, it becomes clear…
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Introduction One of the most profound things I noticed after my born-again experience was the incredible sense of peace that came from being in relationship with the Messiah’s Holy Spirit. It’s something that is hard to describe fully, but it…
What Is the Law of Release and What Can We Learn from It?
Introduction There is immense wisdom within the ancient Jewish Torah, and to this day, its teachings lay the foundation for much of our Western legal system. I strongly believe that this connection has been a key reason why Western civilization…
What Exactly Is the River of Life?
Introduction To fully grasp the depth of the book of Revelation, it is essential to explore the numerous cross-references or “echoes” from the Hebrew Bible that permeate its narrative. Scholars estimate that there are hundreds of these echoes in John’s…
What is the Purpose of the Ezekiel Temple if We are Now the Temple of God’s Holy Spirit?
This answer follows the I.N.S.P.I.R.E.D template to offer key insights, scriptural foundations, and practical applications. Join the discussion below to share your thoughts and reflections.
What Does John Mean When He Says He Was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day?
TL;DR Summary Who is involved in this passage?The apostle John, while exiled on the island of Patmos, experiences a powerful vision initiated by the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus is the one who reveals the content of the vision to…
Why Couldn’t Moses See God’s Face?
Introduction I was reading the remarkable dialogue between Moses and God after the golden calf incident in Exodus 33. In this passage, God reassures Moses that He will still lead the people of Israel through the wilderness, but He emphasizes…
How Did the Pharisees Learn About Jesus’ Prophecy of His Resurrection on the Third Day?
Introduction As I was reading Matthew 27:63, where the Pharisees approached Pilate, asking him to secure Jesus’ tomb because they remembered His prophecy about rising from the dead after three days, I began to wonder how they knew about this…
Has a Resurrection of the Dead Already Happened with Two More Coming?
Introduction As I was reading Matthew 27:50-53, the passage describing Jesus’ crucifixion, a few details stood out to me—specifically, how Jesus released His Spirit, and the earth shook with an earthquake. But what truly struck me was the account of…
Does King Solomon’s Psalm 72 Apply to King Jesus?
What Is the Prophetic Meaning of Jeremiah Wearing a Linen Loincloth?
This answer follows the I.N.S.P.I.R.E.D template to offer key insights, scriptural foundations, and practical applications. Join the discussion below to share your thoughts and reflections.
What Is the First and Second Resurrection?
TL;DR Summary Who experiences the first resurrection?The first resurrection is for the righteous, particularly those who have been martyred for their faith in Christ. These individuals are raised to reign with Christ during the thousand-year reign described in Revelation 20:4-5.…
What is the will of God for those in Messiah Jesus?
TL;DR Summary Who can live this lifestyle?This answer focuses on believers living in union with Christ, who seek to live according to God’s will. The apostle Paul, in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17, offers practical guidance for Christians to experience a life…
What Is Calvinism?
This answer follows our I.N.S.P.I.R.E Biblical Response Framework to provide a thoughtful exploration of the topic, guiding you through key insights, scriptural foundations, and practical applications.
Who or What Is Satan?
This answer follows our I.N.S.P.I.R.E Biblical Response Framework to provide a thoughtful exploration of the topic, guiding you through key insights, scriptural foundations, and practical applications.
Who Is Jesus?
This answer follows our I.N.S.P.I.R.E Biblical Response Framework to provide a thoughtful exploration of the topic, guiding you through key insights, scriptural foundations, and practical applications.
How Did the Magi Know to Follow a Star to Find a New Born King?
This answer follows the I.N.S.P.I.R.E Biblical Response Framework to provide a thoughtful exploration of the topic, guiding you through key insights, scriptural foundations, and practical applications.
Why Are Jesus’ Genealogies in Matthew and Luke So Different?
This answer follows our I.N.S.P.I.R.E Biblical Response Framework to provide a thoughtful exploration of the topic, guiding you through key insights, scriptural foundations, and practical applications.
Who Was King Belshazzar?
Introduction I recently came across an intriguing article in the latest issue of Let the Stones Speak, a biblical archaeology magazine, which highlighted the story of King Belshazzar. For years, skeptics doubted the accuracy of Daniel’s account of Belshazzar in…
Did the Roman Catholic Church Ever Repent of the “Buying Penance,” False Teaching?
Introduction I was thinking about the Roman Catholic doctrine of buying penance and how completely against Scripture it is, especially when we understand that salvation is a gift of God’s grace, not something to be bought or earned. This practice,…
What Do We Learn About God from His Challenge to Job?
Introduction Reading Elihu’s defense of God in the Book of Job, just before Yahweh Himself appears, is both fascinating and thought-provoking. It sets the stage for one of the most profound dialogues in Scripture. God’s response to Job is not…
What Is the Wrath of God vs. the Wrath of the Lamb?
Introduction I’ve always been struck by the vivid imagery in Revelation that depicts two distinct expressions of divine wrath: the wrath of God and the wrath of the Lamb. While both signify God’s righteous judgment, they each have unique aspects…
Is the Book of Revelation in Chronological order?
The question of whether the Book of Revelation is sequential—meaning if it follows a strict chronological order—has been widely debated among scholars and theologians. Here’s a comprehensive answer to help clarify the structure and interpretation of Revelation. Introduction Many readers…
How Do the Jewish Festivals Speak of and Foreshadow Jesus?
Introduction I’ve often been amazed at how the biblical festivals, established thousands of years ago, seem to tell the story of Jesus so vividly. Each one of these festivals, instituted by God for the Jewish people, not only commemorates a…
In Ancient Jewish Culture, What Were the Stages in a Wedding?
Introduction Have you ever wondered about the wedding customs of ancient Jewish culture? The traditions of Jewish weddings in biblical times were rich in symbolism and meaning, reflecting the covenant relationship between God and His people. These stages are not…
When and Where is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?
Introduction The marriage supper of the Lamb, mentioned in Revelation 19, is a symbolic celebration of the union between Messiah and His Bride, the Church. The exact timing and location of this event are subjects of much debate among theologians,…
What is Ezekiel Bread and Should I Be Eating It?
Introduction Have you ever had Ezekiel Bread? Many people claim its health benefits over traditional bread, but is this really the wisdom of God for how bread should always be made? I think not, especially when you read the whole…
Who was George Müller?
Introduction I love inspirational stories of men and women who took their faith in God seriously. One stellar example is George Müller, and I would love to share his story with you today. George Müller was a Christian evangelist and…
What is the Proto-Evangelium?
Introduction Have you ever read a theological paper or Bible commentary and wondered why they have to use such fancy words, often in Greek or Latin? Here’s a classic one, completely written in Greek: proto-evangelium. At first glance, it might…
What is Biblical Polemic Discourse?
Introduction I was writing the introduction to the book of Genesis and comparing it to the ancient Mesopotamian creation myths of Enuma Elish and the Epic of Gilgamesh and commented how it was the most well-documented case of ancient polemic…
Do You Know Job’s Prophecy of King Jesus and the Resurrection?
Introduction I was reading Job 19:25-27 and saw this incredible prophetic utterance about King Jesus standing on the earth with His resurrected holy ones, and it got me thinking: How amazing is it that even in the midst of his…
Is the Holy Spirit a Person?
Introduction The question of whether the Holy Spirit is a person is one that has been debated throughout church history. Some view the Holy Spirit as merely an impersonal force or influence, while others recognize Him as a distinct person…
What are Seven Truths That Unite Monotheistic Faiths, and Why That’s Dangerous?
Introduction Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—collectively known as the three Abrahamic faiths—share several core beliefs that establish a common ground among them. These shared truths emphasize a reverence for God, moral living, and divine guidance, fostering a sense of unity and…
Why Were the Israelites in the Bible So Eager to Continually Embrace Foreign Gods?
Introduction The Bible recounts many instances where the Israelites, despite being chosen by God and witnessing His miraculous deeds, turned away to worship foreign gods. This recurring theme of idolatry and spiritual infidelity is perplexing, especially given the clear warnings…
Who Was King Jotham?
Introduction King Jotham was the eleventh king of Judah, the son of King Uzziah (also known as Azariah) and Queen Jerusha. He reigned in Jerusalem for sixteen years around 750–735 BC. Jotham is remembered as a good and faithful king…
Who Was King Uzziah?
Introduction King Uzziah, also known as Azariah, was one of the most successful and influential kings of Judah, reigning for 52 years from approximately 792 to 740 BC. His reign is characterized by military strength, economic prosperity, and significant architectural…
Who Was King Amaziah?
Introduction King Amaziah was one of the kings of Judah, whose reign is recorded in the books of 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles. He was the son of King Joash and ruled in Jerusalem for 29 years. His story is…
Who Were the Most Prominent Early Church Fathers?
Introduction The early Church Fathers were influential leaders and theologians who shaped the foundation of Christian doctrine and practice during the first few centuries of the Church. They played a crucial role in defending the faith against heresies, interpreting Scripture,…
Who Was Jerome?
Introduction Jerome, also known as Saint Jerome, was one of the most influential scholars and theologians of the early Church. Born around AD 347 in Stridon, a town near modern-day Croatia, he is best known for translating the Bible into…
Who Was Tertullian?
Introduction Tertullian was a significant early Christian theologian and apologist, often regarded as the father of Latin Christianity. Born in Carthage around AD 155–160, he played a crucial role in shaping the early Church’s theological framework and was one of…
How Plausible Is the Account of John Surviving Being Immersed in Boiling Oil?
Introduction The account of John, the apostle, surviving immersion in boiling oil is a dramatic and miraculous story that has been passed down through Christian tradition. This event is not recorded in the Bible but is found in the writings…
Why Did Joseph Practice Divination with a Silver Cup?
Introduction The question, “Why did Joseph practice divination with a silver cup?” refers to a perplexing episode in Genesis 44, where Joseph’s brothers are accused of stealing his silver cup, which he claimed to use for divination. This incident raises…
Who Was Darda in the Bible?
Introduction The question, “Who was Darda in the Bible?” leads us to explore the life of a relatively obscure yet significant biblical figure. Darda is mentioned in the Old Testament as one of the wisest men of Israel, whose wisdom,…
Who Was Calcol?
Introduction The question, “Who was Calcol?” invites us to delve into the life of a lesser-known biblical figure associated with wisdom and understanding. Calcol is mentioned briefly in the Old Testament as one of the wise men of Israel, whose…
Who Was Ethan the Ezrahite?
Introduction The question, “Who was Ethan the Ezrahite?” invites us to explore the life and legacy of a lesser-known biblical figure. Ethan the Ezrahite is mentioned in the Old Testament as a man of great wisdom, second only to Solomon,…
Who Was Heman the Ezrahite?
Introduction The question, “Who was Heman the Ezrahite?” invites us to explore a lesser-known yet significant figure in the Bible. Heman the Ezrahite is mentioned in the Psalms and in the historical books of the Old Testament as a man…
Which Bible Is Best?
Introduction The question, “Which Bible is best?” often arises among believers seeking to deepen their understanding of Scripture. With numerous translations available, choosing the right Bible can feel overwhelming. The reality is that no single translation is perfect for every…
Do We Need a New Catchy Name for the Rapture?
Introduction The question, “Do we need a new catchy name for the rapture?” invites us to reconsider how we understand and communicate this powerful biblical event. While the term “rapture” traditionally refers to believers being caught up to meet the…
Was the Lack of an Initial Resurrection Event the Reason Religious Leaders Rejected Jesus as the Messiah?
Introduction The question, “Was the lack of an initial resurrection event the reason religious leaders rejected Jesus as the Messiah?” explores a complex issue central to the Gospels. The religious leaders of Jesus’ time, including the Pharisees and Sadducees, had…
Who Was John Nelson Darby?
Introduction The question, “Who was John Nelson Darby?” invites an exploration of a significant figure in Christian history whose teachings have profoundly influenced modern evangelical thought. John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) was an Anglo-Irish Bible teacher, theologian, and a key figure…
Does Paul’s Teaching Support a Rapture and Two Separate Returns of Jesus?
Introduction The question, “Does Paul’s teaching support a rapture and two separate returns of Jesus?” delves into the heart of Christian eschatology and the various interpretations surrounding the end times. Many evangelical traditions, particularly those influenced by dispensationalism, teach that…
When Does the Resurrection of the Dead Happen According to the Bible?
Introduction The question, “When does the resurrection of the dead happen according to the Bible?” explores a fundamental aspect of Christian eschatology and the hope of eternal life. The resurrection of the dead is a central tenet of biblical teaching,…
Does the Resurrection of the Dead Happen at the Coming of Messiah According to Judaism?
Introduction The question, “Does the resurrection of the dead happen at the coming of Messiah according to Judaism?” addresses a core aspect of Jewish eschatology that has been debated and interpreted in various ways throughout Jewish history. The concept of…
Is There Evidence for Rapture Theology from the Hebrew Bible?
Introduction The question, “Is there evidence for rapture theology from the Hebrew Bible?” invites an exploration of whether the concept of the rapture, as understood in many Christian eschatological frameworks, can be found in the Old Testament. Rapture theology generally…
Is the Rapture Going to Happen?
Introduction The question, “Is the rapture going to happen?” is one that has sparked much debate and intrigue within the Christian community. The concept of the rapture refers to a moment when believers will be caught up to meet Christ…
Should We Be Casting Lots to Choose Church Leaders Today?
Introduction The question, “Should we be casting lots to choose church leaders today?” addresses an ancient practice used in biblical times to make decisions and discern God’s will. The practice of casting lots, similar to drawing straws or rolling dice,…
Why Did Zoroastrian Priestly Astrologers Pay Tribute to the Infant Jesus?
Introduction The question, “Why did Zoroastrian priestly astrologers pay tribute to the infant Jesus?” focuses on the biblical account of the Magi, often described as wise men or astrologers, who traveled from the East to honor the newborn Jesus. The…
What Do We Learn About God from Solomon’s Temple and Its Key Items?
Introduction The question, “What do we learn about God from Solomon’s Temple and its key items?” opens a rich exploration of the spiritual significance behind the construction and the sacred objects within the Temple. Solomon’s Temple was not only a…
Was Melchizedek a Pre-Incarnate Form of Jesus?
Introduction The question, “Was Melchizedek a pre-incarnate form of Jesus?” delves into a mysterious biblical figure who appears briefly in the Old Testament and is later referenced in the New Testament. Melchizedek, described as the king of Salem and a…
Were the Apostles Levi (Matthew) and James Brothers?
Introduction The question, “Were the apostles Levi (Matthew) and James brothers?” invites an exploration into the familial relationships among Jesus’ apostles, specifically focusing on Levi (also known as Matthew) and James. Understanding these relationships provides insights into the early Christian…
What Can We Learn from the Incident of Uzzah and the Ark, Considering That We Are Now the Ark of His Presence?
Introduction The question, “What can we learn from the incident of Uzzah and the ark, considering that we are now the ark of His presence?” provides a valuable opportunity to reflect on the reverence due to God’s anointed and how…
What Happened the Second Time David Tried to Move the Ark?
Introduction The question, “What happened the second time David tried to move the ark?” addresses a critical moment in the history of Israel and the life of King David. After a tragic first attempt that resulted in the death of…
Who Exactly Was King David?
Introduction The question, “Who exactly was King David?” invites an exploration of one of the most significant and complex figures in the Bible. King David is often remembered as a “man after God’s own heart,” a warrior king, a poet,…
Where Was the Ark of the Covenant Housed Before It Reached Solomon’s Temple?
Introduction The Ark of the Covenant has long captured the imagination of historians, archaeologists, and theologians alike. Many are fascinated by its divine purpose and mysterious final resting place. But just as intriguing as its disappearance is its journey—where was…
Why Did Uzzah Have to Die When He Touched the Ark?
Introduction The question, “Why did Uzzah have to die when he touched the ark?” centers around a tragic event recorded in 2 Samuel 6:6-7, where Uzzah was struck dead by God for touching the Ark of the Covenant. This incident…
Why Was the Tribe of Issachar Known for Understanding the Times and the Seasons?
Introduction The question, “Why was the tribe of Issachar known for understanding the times and the seasons?” refers to a unique description found in 1 Chronicles 12:32, where the men of Issachar are noted for their discernment and wisdom in…
What Were the First Three Actions Solomon Took After Receiving Wisdom from God?
Introduction The question, “What were the first three actions Solomon took after receiving wisdom from God?” explores how King Solomon applied the divine wisdom granted to him by God, as recorded in the Bible. Solomon, known for his wisdom, is…
Why Did Solomon Have 12 Governors Responsible for Providing His Food Each Month?
Introduction The question, “Why did Solomon have 12 governors responsible for providing his food each month?” addresses the organizational and administrative strategies employed by King Solomon during his reign over Israel. In 1 Kings 4:7-19, we read about the establishment…
Why is the Story of Solomon and the Two Prostitutes the First Account Following God Granting Him Wisdom?
Introduction The question, “Why is the story of Solomon and the two prostitutes the first account following God granting him wisdom?” invites an exploration into why this particular narrative is chosen to demonstrate King Solomon’s divinely given wisdom. After God…
Should a Christian Woman Wear a Bikini?
Introduction The question, “Should a Christian woman wear a bikini?” involves examining principles of modesty, personal freedom, and witness to others as taught in the Bible. For many Christians, this topic is not just about clothing choices but also about…
Did God Literally Create the World in Six Days?
Introduction The question, “Did God literally create the world in six days?” explores the interpretation of the creation account in Genesis 1. This debate involves understanding whether the “days” mentioned in the Bible refer to literal 24-hour periods or if…
Why do some Christians say Jesus only fulfilled four of the seven Jewish Feast Days?
Introduction The question, “Why do some Christians say Jesus only fulfilled four of the seven Jewish Feast Days?” invites an exploration of how the life, death, resurrection, and future return of Jesus Christ connect with the Jewish feast days outlined…
What is God’s viewpoint on abortion?
This answer follows our I.N.S.P.I.R.E. Biblical Response Framework to provide a thoughtful exploration of the topic, guiding you through key insights, scriptural foundations, and practical applications.
Is perfect theology required for eternal life?
This answer follows our I.N.S.P.I.R.E Biblical Response Framework to provide a thoughtful exploration of the topic, guiding you through key insights, scriptural foundations, and practical applications.
Is the Resurrection of Jesus a Verifiable Fact?
1. Summary of the Question: The resurrection of Jesus Christ stands at the heart of the Christian faith. It is the cornerstone upon which Christianity is built, and without it, the Apostle Paul states, “our preaching is in vain, your…
What are some healing Scriptures from the King James Bible?
When it comes to seeking healing, the Bible provides profound guidance and assurance that God cares deeply about our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. From Genesis to Revelation, there are numerous scriptures that speak about God’s healing power. These verses…
What Does Praying the Lord’s Prayer Mean?
Summary of the Question: The Lord’s Prayer, also known as the “Our Father,” is one of the most well-known prayers in Christianity, taught by Jesus Christ Himself in the Gospels. It is found in both Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4.…
What are some Bible verses regarding strength?
Summary of the Question: When life gets tough, we often find ourselves searching for strength. The Bible provides countless examples and verses that speak directly to the need for strength in times of difficulty, uncertainty, and fear. Whether it’s physical,…
What are some Bible verses that encourages?
1. Summary of the Question: The Bible contains numerous verses that provide encouragement, comfort, and strength for believers facing life’s challenges. These verses remind us of God’s presence, faithfulness, and love. This discussion will highlight key verses that offer encouragement,…
What are some Bible verses about days?
1. Summary of the Question: The Bible speaks frequently about “days” in various contexts—creation, prophecy, life, and divine intervention. The question asks for Bible verses that specifically address the concept of “days” and what they mean in a biblical context.…
What are the differences and similarities of Enūma Eliš compared to the Biblical creation account?
1. Summary of the Question: The question seeks to explore the similarities and differences between the Enūma Eliš, an ancient Mesopotamian creation myth, and the Biblical creation account found in the Book of Genesis. Both texts provide a narrative on…
How does Enūma Eliš compare to the Biblical creation account?
1. Summary of the Question: The question, “How does Enūma Eliš compare to the Biblical creation account?“ seeks to explore the similarities and differences between two ancient texts: the Enūma Eliš, a Babylonian creation epic, and the Genesis creation account…
How is the Epic of Gilgamesh similar and different to the biblical account?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “How is the Epic of Gilgamesh similar and different to the biblical account?” involves comparing the ancient Mesopotamian story, the Epic of Gilgamesh, with biblical narratives, particularly the Genesis account of the Flood.…
What is the age of the earth?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What is the age of the earth?” involves examining both biblical and scientific perspectives on the earth’s age. The Bible offers insights through genealogies and the creation narrative in Genesis, while science provides…
Is there evidence of humor in Luke’s biblical accounts?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Is there evidence of humor in Luke’s biblical accounts?” invites us to explore the literary style and narrative techniques employed by Luke in his Gospel and the Book of Acts. Understanding if and…
Has Noah’s ark been found?
1. Summary of the Question “Has Noah’s ark been found?” is a question that has fascinated many people for centuries. Recent discoveries, including ground-penetrating radar (GPR) scans that show evidence of man-made features like right-angle rooms and a long hallway…
Why are there Proto-Indo-European words in our Bibles?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Why are there Proto-Indo-European words in our Bibles?” touches on the origins of the languages used in the biblical texts. This question explores how certain words, concepts, or language elements that trace back…
What are the Seven Laws of Noah?
1. Summary of the Question The Seven Laws of Noah, also known as the Noahide Laws, are a set of moral principles given to humanity according to Jewish tradition. These laws are considered universal, applicable to all people, and are…
What was the 3 PM prayer service Peter and John attended in Acts 3?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What was the 3 PM prayer service Peter and John attended in Acts 3?” refers to an event recorded in the New Testament where Peter and John went up to the temple in…
Who was Saint Francis of Assisi?
1. Summary of the Question Who was Saint Francis of Assisi? Saint Francis of Assisi (c. 1181–1226) was an Italian Catholic friar and preacher known for his profound love of nature, poverty, and service to others. His life and teachings…
Is God mad at me?
1. Summary of the Question “Is God mad at me?” is a question that resonates deeply with many believers, especially during times of personal failure, sin, or suffering. It reflects a common fear of being rejected or condemned by God…
Is the Word of Faith movement biblical?
1. Summary of the Question The Word of Faith movement centers on the belief that speaking words of faith and declaring God’s promises can bring about desired results, including physical healing, financial prosperity, and spiritual breakthrough. The key question is…
Calvinism vs. Arminianism – which view is correct?
1. Summary of the Question The debate between Calvinism and Arminianism centers on two different theological perspectives concerning salvation, predestination, free will, and God’s sovereignty. Calvinism emphasizes God’s absolute sovereignty and predestination, while Arminianism highlights human free will and responsibility…
What is the Passion Translation of the Bible?
1. Summary of the Question The Passion Translation (TPT) is a relatively new version of the Bible that aims to capture the emotions and heart of the original scriptures in contemporary language. Understanding what the Passion Translation is involves examining…
Who was John Paul Jackson?
1. Summary of the Question John Paul Jackson was a well-known Christian teacher, author, and prophet who gained recognition for his work in the area of prophetic ministry, dream interpretation, and spiritual warfare. Understanding who John Paul Jackson was requires…
Who was Kathryn Kuhlman?
1. Summary of the Question Kathryn Kuhlman was a prominent American evangelist and faith healer known for her charismatic healing ministry and deep emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit. To understand who Kathryn Kuhlman was, it is essential…
Who was Polycarp?
1. Summary of the Question Polycarp, an early Christian bishop and one of the most significant figures in the early church, is remembered for his steadfast faith and his role as a link between the apostolic era and later church…
Who was Origen of Alexandria?
1. Summary of the Question Origen of Alexandria was one of the most influential early Christian theologians and scholars, whose work and teachings have sparked both admiration and controversy throughout church history. To understand who Origen was, we must explore…
Who was Joseph Smith?
1. Summary of the Question Joseph Smith is a highly controversial figure in religious history, primarily known as the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), often referred to as Mormonism. Understanding who Joseph Smith was…
Who was Chuck Smith?
1. Summary of the Question Chuck Smith was a pivotal figure in modern Christian history, known primarily for founding Calvary Chapel and being a leading voice in the Jesus Movement of the 1960s and 1970s. His life and ministry were…
Who was Smith Wigglesworth?
1. Summary of the Question Smith Wigglesworth, often called the “Apostle of Faith,” was a British evangelist known for his healing ministry, deep faith, and unwavering dedication to God’s Word. This answer explores his life, the biblical foundations of his…
Who was William Branham?
1. Summary of the Question William Branham was a prominent leader in the mid-20th century Pentecostal healing revival movement. His ministry was marked by extraordinary spiritual gifts, especially in healing and prophecy, which led many to see him as a…
Who was T.L. Osborn?
1. Summary of the Question T.L. Osborn was a prominent Christian evangelist, missionary, and author known for his healing ministry and worldwide evangelistic crusades. His work significantly impacted the global Christian community, particularly in the mid-20th century, as he brought…
What is the importance of the land of Uz in the Bible?
1. Summary of the Question The land of Uz holds significant importance in the Bible primarily as the setting of the Book of Job. Uz is mentioned in various parts of Scripture, but its exact location and historical background remain…
What is the Jewish Circular Economy, and what can Christian’s learn from it?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What is the Jewish Circular Economy?” refers to the economic principles and practices rooted in ancient Jewish teachings that emphasize sustainability, stewardship, and ethical responsibility. For Christians, exploring these principles can provide valuable…
How were church leaders appointed in the early church
1. Summary of the Question The question, “How were church leaders appointed in the early church?” is crucial for understanding biblical church governance and leadership. The early church, as described in the New Testament, established various roles of leadership such…
What is holy yoga?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What is holy yoga?” explores the concept of a Christian adaptation of yoga practices, designed to combine physical exercise with Christian worship, prayer, and meditation. Holy Yoga aims to provide a Christ-centered alternative…
Should Christians do yoga?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Should Christians do yoga?” addresses whether practicing yoga, even in its most secular forms, aligns with Christian beliefs and values. While some argue that yoga can be stripped of its spiritual and religious…
How did Abraham follow God’s call to a new land if he did not know his destination?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “How did Abraham follow God’s call to a new land if he did not know his destination?” explores an apparent paradox in Scripture concerning Abraham’s journey to the Promised Land. In Genesis, God…
What was an early church meeting like?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What was an early church meeting like?” invites us to explore the practices and atmosphere of the early Christian gatherings, particularly those described in the New Testament. Early church meetings were characterized by…
Is the Shroud of Turin authentic?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Is the Shroud of Turin authentic?” revolves around one of the most debated relics in Christian history. The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth bearing the image of a man who appears…
Who wrote the book of Hebrews?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Who wrote the book of Hebrews?” delves into the longstanding debate regarding the authorship of one of the New Testament’s most profound books. Unlike other New Testament epistles, the book of Hebrews does…
What can we learn about the Kingdom of God from Plato’s Republic?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What can we learn about the Kingdom of God from Plato’s Republic?” invites an exploration of how the philosophical ideas presented in Plato’s Republic can offer insights or contrasts to the biblical concept…
What is the meaning of the word Elohim?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What is the meaning of the word Elohim?” seeks to explore one of the most important Hebrew names for God used in the Bible. “Elohim” is a term that appears frequently in the…
Who was Doeg the Edomite?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Who was Doeg the Edomite?” invites an exploration of a lesser-known yet significant figure in the Old Testament. Doeg the Edomite is primarily mentioned in the context of his role in King Saul’s…
What is the meaning of life?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What is the meaning of life?” is a profound inquiry that has been asked throughout human history. From a biblical perspective, this question is answered by understanding God’s purpose for creation and His…
Is the Bible truly God’s Word?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Is the Bible truly God’s Word?” addresses one of the foundational beliefs of Christianity regarding the nature and authority of the Bible. Christians claim that the Bible is divinely inspired and serves as…
What is Christianity and what do Christians believe?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What is Christianity and what do Christians believe?” addresses the core of the Christian faith, exploring its foundational beliefs and practices. Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered on the life, teachings, death, and…
What is a Christian?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What is a Christian?” seeks to define what it means to be a Christian according to the Bible. A Christian is not merely someone who identifies with a particular religion or attends church…
Is Jesus the only way to Heaven?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Is Jesus the only way to Heaven?” addresses a fundamental aspect of Christian belief concerning salvation and eternal life. It explores whether faith in Jesus Christ is the sole path to Heaven, according…
What are the three primary falls of mankind in Genesis?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What are the three primary falls of mankind in Genesis?” explores the pivotal events in the book of Genesis that depict humanity’s failures and rebellions against God. These “falls” mark significant points in…
What is the way of salvation?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What is the way of salvation?” addresses the core message of the Christian faith: how one can be reconciled to God and receive eternal life. Salvation is a central theme throughout the Bible,…
Is Jesus God?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Is Jesus God?” addresses a fundamental issue of Christian theology and doctrine. The identity of Jesus Christ as God is central to Christian belief, affecting our understanding of salvation, the nature of God,…
Who is Jesus, the Christ?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Who is Jesus, the Christ a.k.a the Messiah?” is central to Christian faith and theology. Jesus Christ is regarded as the cornerstone of Christian belief, and understanding His identity, purpose, and work is…
What are the attributes of God?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What are the attributes of God?” seeks to understand the qualities or characteristics that define who God is according to the Bible. These attributes reveal God’s nature, character, and how He relates to…
Who is God?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Who is God?” seeks to understand the nature, character, and identity of God from a biblical perspective. This foundational question shapes our understanding of everything else in life, from morality and purpose to…
Is there a conclusive argument for the existence of God?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Is there a conclusive argument for the existence of God?” addresses a significant topic that has been explored by theologians, philosophers, and believers for centuries. From a biblical perspective, the existence of God…
How Can We Know God Exists? Biblical Evidence and Personal Experience
Introduction The question of God’s existence is perhaps the most profound and consequential inquiry any person can make. As someone who has personally encountered the living God, (detailed here) I understand the transformative power of such an experience. Yet, I…
Why was Moses not allowed to enter the Promised Land?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Why was Moses not allowed to enter the Promised Land?” seeks to understand the biblical reason behind why Moses, despite his significant role in leading the Israelites out of Egypt and through the…
Will we be able to see and know our friends and family members in Heaven?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Will we be able to see and know our friends and family members in Heaven?” addresses a concern that is deeply personal and comforting for many Christians. It touches on the hope of…
What does the Bible say about oral sex?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What does the Bible say about oral sex?” deals with a sensitive and often debated topic within Christian circles. Since the Bible does not specifically mention oral sex, discussions around this topic usually…
What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?” addresses a concept that has caused concern and confusion among many Christians. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is mentioned in the Gospels as the only…
What signs indicate that the end times are approaching?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What signs indicate that the end times are approaching?” focuses on understanding the biblical signs that point to the approach of the end times, or the culmination of human history according to Scripture.…
Did Jesus go to hell between His death and resurrection?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Did Jesus go to hell between His death and resurrection?” addresses a topic that has been debated among Christians for centuries. The idea that Jesus descended to “hell” after His crucifixion comes from…
What are the seven spirits of God?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What are the seven spirits of God?” addresses a phrase found in the Book of Revelation that has intrigued and puzzled many readers. The “seven spirits of God” are mentioned several times in…
Was Satan in charge of music in heaven?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Was Satan in charge of music in heaven?” addresses a popular belief held by some that the Satan, before his fall, was responsible for leading worship or music in heaven. This idea stems…
How can I be saved?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “How can I be saved?” is fundamental to the Christian faith and addresses the core message of the Gospel—how a person can be reconciled to God and receive eternal life. Salvation in Christianity…
What are the different names of God, and what do they mean?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What are the different names of God, and what do they mean?” seeks to explore the various names and titles used for God in the Bible, each revealing different aspects of His character…
If a Christian commits suicide, is he/she still saved?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “If a Christian commits suicide, is he/she still saved?” addresses a sensitive and complex topic that concerns the intersection of mental health, salvation, and biblical teaching. Many Christians struggle with understanding how the…
Why was God going to kill Moses in Exodus 4:24-26?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Why was God going to kill Moses in Exodus 4:24-26?” focuses on a perplexing and seemingly abrupt event in the narrative of Moses’ mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. This passage…
Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?” touches on a topic that has emerged in various religious and political discussions, particularly among those speculating about end-times prophecy. The term “Antichrist” has been used throughout history…
Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat?” addresses an issue that has been debated both within and outside of Christian circles. Some claim that certain biblical verses suggest a flat earth…
How, why, and when did Satan fall from heaven?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “How, why, and when did the Satan fall from heaven?” addresses a foundational topic in Christian theology regarding the origin of evil and the rebellion of the Satan against God. The Bible provides…
What is the significance that the beast’s fatal wound was healed in Revelation 13:3?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What is the significance that the beast’s fatal wound was healed in Revelation 13:3?” delves into a symbolic and prophetic aspect of the Book of Revelation. This passage speaks of a beast whose…
What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?” is a deeply important and sensitive topic within Christian teaching. The Bible addresses divorce and remarriage with a focus on God’s design for marriage,…
Where was Jesus for the three days between His death and resurrection?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Where was Jesus for the three days between His death and resurrection?” explores a profound theological topic that has intrigued Christians for centuries. The Bible provides some clues, but there is no single,…
What does the Bible say about sex before marriage?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What does the Bible say about sex before marriage?” addresses a topic of significant importance within Christian ethics and morality. The Bible consistently teaches that sex is a gift from God designed to…
What does the Bible teach about the Trinity?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What does the Bible teach about the Trinity?” addresses one of the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith. The Trinity is the belief that there is one God who exists in three distinct…
Is gambling a sin?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Is gambling a sin?” seeks to understand whether participating in gambling is considered sinful according to biblical teachings. While the Bible does not explicitly mention gambling, it provides principles that help guide Christians…
What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol?” addresses a topic that has been debated within Christian communities for centuries. The Bible mentions alcohol in various contexts, from blessings to warnings, leaving many…
What is the importance of Christian baptism?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What is the importance of Christian baptism?” seeks to understand why baptism holds a significant place in Christian practice and doctrine. Baptism is a sacrament or ordinance commanded by Jesus, symbolizing a believer’s…
What does the Bible say about dinosaurs?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What does the Bible say about dinosaurs?” addresses the intersection of biblical interpretation and scientific discovery. While the Bible does not specifically mention “dinosaurs,” which is a modern term, it does reference large…
What is the gift of speaking in tongues?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What is the gift of speaking in tongues?” explores a spiritual gift mentioned in the New Testament, particularly in the context of the early church. Speaking in tongues, or “glossolalia,” is described as…
What does the Bible say about Christian tithing?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What does the Bible say about Christian tithing?” seeks to understand whether Christians are required to give a specific portion of their income, traditionally 10%, as a tithe, and what the Bible teaches…
Is ‘once saved, always saved’ or eternal security biblical?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Is ‘once saved, always saved’ or eternal security biblical?” explores whether the idea that a person who has genuinely been saved by faith in Jesus Christ can never lose their salvation aligns with…
Is there life after death? What happens after death?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What happens after death?” is one of the most profound questions humans face, touching on the nature of existence, eternity, and the hope of life beyond the grave. The Bible provides a framework…
Do pets go to heaven?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Do pets go to heaven?” touches on the deep emotional bond humans have with their animals and the desire to understand what happens to them after they die. While the Bible does not…
What does the Bible say about suicide?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What does the Bible say about suicide?” addresses a sensitive and challenging topic that touches on the sanctity of life, human suffering, and the hope found in God. The Bible does not provide…
Who was Cain’s wife?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Who was Cain’s wife?” often arises when reading the early chapters of Genesis. The Bible records that Cain, the first son of Adam and Eve, had a wife, but it does not explicitly…
What does the Bible say about interracial marriage?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What does the Bible say about interracial marriage?” explores whether Scripture provides specific teachings regarding marriages between people of different racial or ethnic backgrounds. While some have used the Bible to argue against…
Masturbation—is it a sin according to the Bible?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Is masturbation a sin according to the Bible?” involves exploring what Scripture says about self-pleasure and sexual purity. While the Bible does not explicitly mention masturbation, it provides principles related to purity, lust,…
What does the Bible say about tattoos?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What does the Bible say about tattoos?” seeks to understand whether Scripture provides guidance on the practice of tattooing and how Christians should approach this topic. The primary verse often referenced in this…
What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Is it a sin?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “What does the Bible say about homosexuality?” involves understanding how Scripture addresses same-sex relationships and behaviors. This topic requires careful exploration of specific biblical passages that reference homosexual acts, considering the broader biblical…
Can a woman be a Pastor?
1. Summary of the Question The question, “Can a woman be a pastor?” has sparked considerable debate within Christian communities. It delves into the interpretation of specific Bible passages that speak to the roles of women within the church. While…
Can a Believer Lose Their Salvation? A Comprehensive Biblical Exploration
The question “Can a believer lose their salvation?” has been a topic of debate among Christians for centuries. This weighty theological issue touches on fundamental aspects of faith, grace, and human free will. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore different…
Four Reasons Someone Might Lose Their Eternal Salvation: And How You Won’t Be One of Them!
The concept of eternal salvation is one of the most significant topics in Christianity. It is a gift from God, given through faith in Jesus Christ, but it is also something that requires our commitment and vigilance. There are certain…
The Unforgivable Sin: What Jesus Really Meant (And Why You Shouldn’t Panic)
Have you ever stumbled upon that chilling Bible verse about the “unforgivable sin” and felt your heart skip a beat? You’re not alone. Let’s dive into what Jesus really meant and why it’s probably not what you think. The Verse…
What is the Divine Council Worldview by Dr. Michael Heiser?
How subtle changes to how you read the Hebrew Bible could completely change how you read the New Testament.
The Unforgivable Sin: What Jesus Really Meant and Why It Matters Today
The unforgivable sin is a mystery for many Christians, let's clear up the "fog of war" from the enemy, once and for all on this one, shall we!
Could The Words in Your Bible be Hiding a Beautiful Mystery?
Discover 7 ancient words that still pulse with life-changing power. Take your first steps into the F.O.G, where heavenly mysteries intertwine with divine love.