
Brief overview of βεβαιόω (G950: bebaioō)

1. Overview

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βεβαιόω (bebaioō), pronounced “beh-bai-OH-oh,” is a Greek verb meaning “to confirm,” “to establish,” or “to make firm.” The word is derived from the root bébaios (G949), which signifies something that is firm, reliable, or secure. The verb bebaioō extends this concept by describing the act of making something firm or reliable, whether that is a promise, a covenant, or a statement of truth. In the New Testament, bebaioō is frequently used in contexts where God’s promises are confirmed or where the truth of the gospel is established.

2. Lexical Details

BDAG (Bauer-Danker-Arndt-Gingrich) defines bebaioō as “to confirm, establish, or guarantee.” BDAG emphasizes that the word is often used in contexts where something is being affirmed or validated, particularly in a legal or covenantal sense. For example, when God’s promises are confirmed to believers, the term bebaioō conveys the certainty and trustworthiness of these promises.

Thayer’s Lexicon describes bebaioō as “to make firm, establish, or confirm.” Thayer’s highlights the word’s use in the New Testament to describe the act of confirming God’s word or the gospel. This confirmation often comes through signs, wonders, or the testimony of the apostles.

Vine’s Expository Dictionary aligns with BDAG and Thayer’s, defining bebaioō as “to make sure or to establish.” Vine’s notes that the term is used to describe the confirmation of a covenant or a divine promise, emphasizing the reliability of God’s word.

LSJ (Liddell-Scott-Jones) provides insight into the classical usage of bebaioō, where it was used to describe the act of making something secure or legally binding. The term was often applied to treaties, oaths, and contracts, highlighting the process of establishing these agreements as firm and unchangeable.

Biblical references:

  • Mark 16:20: “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed (bebaioō) the message by accompanying signs.” Here, bebaioō is used to describe the confirmation of the apostles’ message through miraculous signs, validating the truth of the gospel.
  • 1 Corinthians 1:6-8: “Even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed (bebaioō) among you—so that you are not lacking in any gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain (bebaioō) you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.” In this passage, bebaioō is used to express the confirmation of the testimony about Christ among the Corinthians, as well as the sustaining power of Christ that will keep them firm until the end.

3. Classical Usage

In classical Greek literature, bebaioō was commonly used to describe the act of confirming or establishing something, particularly in legal or formal contexts:

  • Herodotus’ “Histories”: The term bebaioō is used to describe the confirmation of treaties between different city-states, ensuring that the agreements were binding and secure.
  • Plato’s “Laws”: In this work, bebaioō is employed to describe the process of establishing laws that are firm and unchangeable, providing a stable foundation for society.
  • Xenophon’s “Anabasis”: Xenophon uses bebaioō in the context of confirming the loyalty of soldiers, ensuring that their commitment to their leaders and cause is steadfast and reliable.

These examples from classical literature illustrate how bebaioō was a term that conveyed the idea of making something firm, reliable, and legally binding, whether in the context of treaties, laws, or personal commitments.

4. Summary

The Greek verb bebaioō (G950) is a significant term that conveys the act of confirming, establishing, or making something firm. It is used in the New Testament to describe the confirmation of God’s promises, the establishment of the gospel message, and the assurance of believers’ faith. Lexicons such as BDAG, Thayer’s, and Vine’s emphasize the word’s connection to the idea of reliability and firmness, particularly in spiritual and covenantal contexts. The concept of confirmation and establishment was also important in classical Greek literature, where bebaioō was used to describe the process of making treaties, laws, and commitments firm and unchangeable. In summary, bebaioō serves as a key term in expressing the reliability and certainty of divine truths and human agreements, making it a foundational concept in both biblical and classical Greek thought.

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