
Brief Overview of ἀστήρ (G792: astēr)

1. Brief Overview:

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Transliteration: astēr

Root Words: The term ἀστήρ (astēr) is derived from the Greek word for “star,” which signifies a celestial body emitting light.

Primary Meanings:

  • Star: Refers to a luminous celestial body visible in the night sky.
  • Celestial Body: General term for any star or star-like object in the sky.
  • Figurative Use: Can denote something that shines or is outstanding, such as a person who stands out for their qualities or achievements.

2. Detailed Description:

BDAG: BDAG defines ἀστήρ as “a star,” including both literal and figurative senses. It denotes a celestial body or an entity that shines brightly, and can also be used metaphorically to represent someone distinguished or prominent.

Thayer’s: Thayer’s Greek Lexicon describes ἀστήρ as “a star” or “celestial body,” and mentions its use in metaphorical contexts to signify someone of great importance or prominence.

Vines: Vines’ Expository Dictionary notes that ἀστήρ refers to “a star,” with a usage that can be literal, referring to stars in the sky, or figurative, implying someone who is outstanding or prominent.

LSJ: The LSJ Lexicon defines ἀστήρ as “a star” in both its literal astronomical sense and its metaphorical use for prominent individuals.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance: Strong’s lists ἀστήρ as “star,” indicating its use for celestial objects and in metaphorical contexts to denote something or someone shining or prominent.

Bible Verses:

  • Matthew 2:2 (KJV): “Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.”
  • Here, ἀστήρ refers to the star seen by the Magi, indicating a celestial body that guided them.
  • Revelation 1:16 (KJV): “And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.”
  • In this verse, ἀστήρ is used to symbolize angels or messengers, reflecting their prominent or guiding role.

3. Classic Greek Literature:

Usage in Classic Greek Literature:

  • Homer uses terms related to ἀστήρ to describe the stars in the night sky, often emphasizing their brightness and position.
  • Hesiod mentions stars in the context of agricultural seasons, highlighting their role in guiding and timing.
  • Aristotle discusses stars in his astronomical works, exploring their nature and significance in the cosmos.

4. Summary:

ἀστήρ (astēr) is a term that primarily denotes a “star,” referring to the luminous celestial bodies in the night sky. It carries both literal and figurative meanings, with uses ranging from describing stars as physical objects to symbolizing prominent or distinguished individuals. In classical literature, it is employed to reflect the importance of celestial bodies and their metaphorical significance.

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