
Brief Overview of ἀδάπανος (Strong's G77: Adapanos)

Brief Overview of ἀδάπανος from Strong’s Bible Concordance

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ἀδάπανος (adapanos):
The Greek word “ἀδάπανος” (G77) is an adjective meaning “free from cost” or “without expense.” It denotes something that is given or obtained without payment or without requiring a monetary exchange. In biblical contexts, it is used to describe things that are freely given or without charge.

Detailed Overview Incorporating Other Concordances

ἀδάπανος (adapanos):

  1. Strong’s Concordance:
  • Meaning: Strong’s Concordance (G77) defines “ἀδάπανος” as meaning “free from cost” or “without charge.” It is used to describe something that is provided or received without any financial obligation.
  1. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:
  • Meaning: Thayer’s Lexicon describes “ἀδάπανος” as an adjective meaning “without charge” or “gratis.” Thayer notes that it emphasizes the idea of receiving something without any cost or payment involved, reflecting the concept of something being freely given.
  1. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words:
  • Meaning: Vine’s Dictionary explains that “ἀδάπανος” denotes something that is “free of cost” or “given without charge.” Vine highlights that this term is used to illustrate the notion of generosity or the unmerited giving of something valuable without any expectation of payment.
  1. Bauer-Danker-Arndt-Gingrich (BDAG) Greek-English Lexicon:
  • Meaning: BDAG provides a definition of “ἀδάπανος” as referring to something that is provided or obtained “free of charge” or “without cost.” It is used in the context of describing goods or services that are given without requiring payment.
  1. Liddell-Scott-Jones (LSJ) Greek-English Lexicon:
  • Meaning: LSJ defines “ἀδάπανος” as meaning “without charge” or “free of expense.” The lexicon notes its usage in both classical and biblical Greek to describe things that are given or received without a monetary cost.

The Greek term “ἀδάπανος” (G77) denotes something that is given or received without cost or payment. According to Strong’s Concordance, it means “free from cost” or “without expense.” Thayer’s Lexicon and Vine’s Dictionary both emphasize its use in describing things that are freely given, reflecting the notion of generosity or unmerited favor. BDAG and LSJ further elaborate on its meaning as “free of charge” or “without expense,” highlighting its application in both classical and biblical contexts. Overall, “ἀδάπανος” underscores the concept of receiving or providing something without a financial transaction.

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