
Brief Overview of Ἄρχιππος (G751: Archippus)

1. Brief Overview:

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Transliteration: Archippus

Root Words:

  • ἄρχω (archō): To rule or lead.
  • ἵππος (hippos): Horse.

Primary Meanings:

  • Proper Name: Ἄρχιππος is a personal name rather than a common noun. It is used to identify a specific individual in the New Testament.
  • Meaning of the Name: The name Archippus can be interpreted as “chief horseman” or “ruler of horses,” combining the elements of ruling and horses.

2. Detailed Description:

BDAG: BDAG identifies Ἄρχιππος as:

  • Proper Name: A name used for a person, specifically mentioning Archippus as a member of the early Christian church, but it does not provide detailed meaning beyond its use as a personal name.

Thayer’s: Thayer’s Greek Lexicon lists Ἄρχιππος:

  • Proper Name: The name of an individual, Archippus, who is mentioned in the New Testament as a fellow laborer in the church.

Vines: Vines’ Expository Dictionary notes:

  • Proper Name: Archippus is recognized as a name without additional significance beyond its use to identify a person in the New Testament context.

LSJ: LSJ does not provide extensive information on Ἄρχιππος beyond its identification as a proper name.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance: Strong’s defines Ἄρχιππος as “Archippus,” indicating it is used as a personal name without additional meaning.

Bible Verses:

  • Colossians 4:17 (KJV): “And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it.”
  • Here, Archippus is addressed directly, indicating his role and responsibility within the Christian ministry.
  • Philemon 1:2 (KJV): “And to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the church in thy house.”
  • Archippus is mentioned as a “fellow soldier,” suggesting his active role and partnership in the early church’s efforts.

3. Usage in Classic Greek Literature:

The name Archippus is less common in classic Greek literature but can be related to the general meaning of its components:

  • Plato’s Republic: While the exact name is not used, discussions on leadership and the role of horses in military contexts can relate to the root meaning of “chief horseman.”
  • Xenophon’s Cavalry Commander: Xenophon’s works on cavalry and leadership offer context for understanding the significance of terms related to horsemen and leaders.
  • Homer’s Iliad: While Ἄρχιππος is not mentioned, the use of horses in leadership roles in Homer’s epics aligns with the interpretation of the name’s components.

4. Summary:

Ἄρχιππος (G751: Archippus) is a proper name meaning “chief horseman” or “ruler of horses,” reflecting its roots in leadership and equestrian contexts. The name is used in the New Testament to identify an individual who played a role in the early Christian church. BDAG, Thayer’s, Vines, and Strong’s all affirm its use as a personal name with no further semantic meaning beyond identification. The name’s components align with themes of leadership and authority, as seen in related Greek literature.

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