
Brief Overview of ἀροτριάω (G722: arōtriáō)

1. Brief Overview:

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Transliteration: arōtriáō

Root Words:

  • ἀροτριάω (arōtriáō): This verb is derived from the root word ἀρότηρ (arōtēr), meaning “ploughman” or “farmer.” The verb form reflects actions related to farming or cultivation.

Primary Meanings:

  • To Plough: The primary meaning of ἀροτριάω is “to plough” or “to till the soil.” It refers to the agricultural activity of preparing the land for planting crops.
  • To Cultivate: It can also mean “to cultivate” or “to work the land” in a more general sense.
  • Figurative Use: In a figurative context, it may imply preparing or working on something in a careful and methodical way.

2. Detailed Description:

BDAG: BDAG defines ἀροτριάω as “to plough,” specifically referring to the act of turning over the soil for planting. It notes the term’s use in both literal agricultural contexts and metaphorically, in passages related to spiritual preparation.

Thayer’s: Thayer’s Greek Lexicon describes ἀροτριάω as “to plough” and “to till the ground,” emphasizing its use in agricultural contexts. It also mentions its metaphorical use in certain biblical passages.

Vines: Vines’ Expository Dictionary highlights ἀροτριάω as a term for “ploughing,” focusing on its literal application to agriculture and its figurative implications in spiritual or preparatory contexts.

LSJ: The LSJ Lexicon defines ἀροτριάω as “to plough” or “to till,” reflecting its use in agricultural settings. It notes that the term can also be used metaphorically.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance: Strong’s identifies ἀροτριάω as meaning “to plough,” used in contexts related to farming and preparation.

Bible Verses:

  • Luke 9:62 (KJV): “And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
  • Here, ἀροτριάω is used metaphorically to describe the commitment required for following Jesus, comparing it to the act of ploughing.

3. Usage in Classic Greek Literature:

In classic Greek literature, ἀροτριάω is used primarily in agricultural contexts:

  • Homer’s Odyssey (circa 8th century BC): Includes references to agricultural practices and the act of ploughing fields.
  • Aristotle’s Agriculture (circa 4th century BC): Mentions ἀροτριάω in discussions about farming techniques and land cultivation.
  • Theophrastus’ Enquiry into Plants (circa 4th century BC): Uses ἀροτριάω in describing agricultural processes and the work involved in preparing soil for planting.

4. Summary:

ἀροτριάω (G722: arōtriáō) primarily means “to plough” or “to till the soil,” with a secondary meaning of “to cultivate.” BDAG, Thayer’s, Vines, and LSJ all agree on its primary agricultural usage and its metaphorical application in biblical texts. Classic Greek literature demonstrates its use in describing farming practices. The term reflects both literal and figurative aspects of preparation and work.

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