
Brief Overview of ἀποτελέω (G658: Apoteléō)

1. Brief Overview:

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Transliteration: Apoteléō

Root Words: ἀποτελέω comes from the prefix ἀπό (apó), meaning “away from” or “complete,” and τελέω (teléō), meaning “to complete” or “to finish.” Together, ἀποτελέω means “to complete” or “to accomplish.”

Primary Meanings:

  • To complete or finish.
  • To bring to fruition or achieve.
  • To accomplish a task or fulfill a requirement.

2. Detailed Description:

BDAG (Bauer-Danker-Arndt-Gingrich): BDAG defines ἀποτελέω as “to bring to completion, to finish, or to accomplish.” This term is used in contexts where something is brought to its final state or fully achieved.

Thayer’s: Thayer’s Greek Lexicon describes ἀποτελέω as “to accomplish, complete, or finish.” It emphasizes the notion of bringing something to its final goal or end.

Vines: Vines’ Expository Dictionary notes that ἀποτελέω means “to complete or accomplish,” particularly highlighting its use in the sense of completing a process or achieving a goal.

LSJ (Liddell-Scott-Jones): LSJ provides a definition of ἀποτελέω as “to accomplish or finish,” aligning with the idea of bringing something to its end or fulfilling it.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance: Strong’s defines ἀποτελέω as “to complete or accomplish,” consistent with the other lexicons and capturing its sense of finishing or achieving.

3. Usage in Classic Greek Literature:

Herodotus (Histories, 5th century BCE): In his historical writings, Herodotus uses terms related to ἀποτελέω to describe the completion of events or actions, reflecting its application to finalizing historical accounts.

Xenophon (Anabasis, 4th century BCE): Xenophon uses ἀποτελέω in the context of completing military campaigns or achieving specific objectives, demonstrating its use in strategic and practical contexts.

Plato (Phaedo, 4th century BCE): Plato’s dialogues include discussions on the completion of philosophical arguments and the realization of ideas, relevant to understanding the use of ἀποτελέω in intellectual contexts.

4. Summary:

ἀποτελέω (apoteléō) signifies the act of completing or achieving something. It denotes bringing a process or task to its final state or fulfilling it. This term is used in various contexts, from historical and military achievements to philosophical and intellectual completions, reflecting its broad application in describing the fulfillment or conclusion of actions and goals.

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