
Brief Overview of ἀγράμματος (Strong's G62: Ágrammatos)

ἀγράμματος (Ágrammatos):
The Greek word “ἀγράμματος” (ágrammatos) means “unlettered” or “illiterate.” It describes someone who is not learned or does not possess formal education, often implying a lack of formal schooling or literary skill. The term is used in the New Testament to describe individuals who are considered uneducated or unskilled in writing and learning.

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Detailed Overview Incorporating Other Concordances

ἀγράμματος (Ágrammatos):

  1. Strong’s Concordance:
  • Meaning: According to Strong’s Concordance (G62), “ἀγράμματος” means “unlettered” or “illiterate.” It is derived from the root words “ἀ-” (a-, meaning “not”) and “γράμμα” (grámma, meaning “letter” or “writing”). The term is used to describe people who are not literate or well-educated.
  1. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:
  • Meaning: Thayer’s Lexicon defines “ἀγράμματος” as “unlettered” or “illiterate.” It refers to individuals who lack formal education or are not versed in reading and writing. Thayer’s notes that the term is used in a broader sense to describe those who are not learned in the scholarly or literary sense.
  1. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words:
  • Meaning: Vine’s Dictionary describes “ἀγράμματος” as “unlettered” or “illiterate.” It emphasizes the term’s use in referring to people who are not formally educated or trained in literacy. The dictionary highlights the contrast between educated and uneducated individuals.
  1. Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon:
  • Meaning: The Louw-Nida Lexicon categorizes “ἀγράμματος” as meaning “unlettered” or “illiterate.” It reflects the term’s use in describing those who lack formal education or are not skilled in writing and reading.
  1. Moulton-Milligan Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament:
  • Meaning: Moulton-Milligan defines “ἀγράμματος” as “unlettered” or “illiterate.” The vocabulary describes its application to individuals who are not formally educated or who lack literacy skills. It underscores the term’s use in both literal and figurative contexts.

“ἀγράμματος” (ágrammatos) translates to “unlettered” or “illiterate,” referring to individuals who are not formally educated or lack literacy skills. According to Strong’s, Thayer’s, Vine’s, Louw-Nida, and Moulton-Milligan, the term describes those who are unskilled in reading and writing, highlighting a contrast between the educated and the uneducated. The term’s application ranges from literal illiteracy to broader contexts of lacking formal education.

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