
Brief Overview of ἁγνότης (Strong's G54: Hagnotēs)

ἁγνότης (Hagnotēs):
The Greek word “ἁγνότης” (hagnotēs) means “purity” or “holiness.” It refers to a state of moral and spiritual purity, signifying a condition of being free from sin, defilement, or corruption. This term is used to describe a quality or attribute of being pure or holy, especially in a religious or ethical context.

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Detailed Overview Incorporating Other Concordances

ἁγνότης (Hagnotēs):

  1. Strong’s Concordance:
  • Meaning: According to Strong’s Concordance (G54), “ἁγνότης” translates to “purity” or “holiness.” It denotes the quality of being pure, both in a physical sense (free from contamination) and in a moral or spiritual sense (free from sin or moral impurity). It signifies an attribute of being sanctified or set apart for a sacred purpose.
  1. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:
  • Meaning: Thayer’s Lexicon defines “ἁγνότης” as “purity” or “holiness,” particularly emphasizing moral and ethical purity. Thayer’s explains that the term is used to describe a state of moral integrity and spiritual cleanliness. It highlights the absence of moral corruption and the presence of righteousness, often in the context of one’s conduct and character. It is used in passages like 2 Corinthians 6:6 and 1 Timothy 4:12.
  1. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words:
  • Meaning: Vine’s Dictionary describes “ἁγνότης” as “purity” or “holiness.” Vine’s emphasizes that the term refers to a state of moral and spiritual cleanliness. It denotes an attribute of being free from sin and defilement, and is used to characterize individuals or behaviors that reflect sanctity and righteousness. References include 2 Corinthians 6:6 and 1 Timothy 4:12, where the term is associated with ethical and spiritual purity.
  1. Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon:
  • Meaning: The Louw-Nida Lexicon categorizes “ἁγνότης” under terms related to moral and spiritual purity. It defines the term as “purity” or “holiness,” with an emphasis on ethical and moral cleanliness. The lexicon highlights that “ἁγνότης” refers to a quality of being free from defilement and sin, signifying a high standard of righteousness and moral integrity. It appears in contexts that stress ethical behavior and spiritual sanctity.
  1. Moulton-Milligan Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament:
  • Meaning: Moulton-Milligan defines “ἁγνότης” as “purity” or “holiness.” The vocabulary notes that this term is used to describe a state of moral and ceremonial cleanliness. It conveys the idea of being free from sin and impurity, emphasizing a quality of sanctity and righteousness. The term is used in contexts that highlight ethical behavior and spiritual devotion.

“ἁγνότης” (hagnotēs) translates to “purity” or “holiness,” referring to a state of moral and spiritual cleanliness. According to Strong’s, Thayer’s, Vine’s, Louw-Nida, and Moulton-Milligan, the term emphasizes both ethical and ceremonial purity, highlighting the absence of sin and defilement. It denotes an attribute of being set apart for sacred purposes and reflects a high standard of righteousness and integrity in one’s conduct and character. The term is significant in contexts that stress moral and spiritual sanctity.

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