
Brief Overview of ἁγιωσύνη (Strong's G42: Hagiōsynē)

ἁγιωσύνη (Hagiōsynē):
The Greek word “ἁγιωσύνη” (hagiōsynē) translates to “holiness” or “sanctification.” It derives from the root word “ἅγιος” (hagios), meaning “holy.” The term refers to the state or quality of being holy, emphasizing purity, moral integrity, and being set apart for God. It is often used in the New Testament to describe the process of becoming holy or the characteristic of holiness that should define the lives of believers.

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Detailed Overview Incorporating Other Concordances

ἁγιωσύνη (Hagiōsynē):

  1. Strong’s Concordance:
  • Meaning: According to Strong’s Concordance (G42), “ἁγιωσύνη” means “holiness” or “sanctification.” The term denotes the quality or state of being holy, emphasizing a life set apart for God, marked by purity and moral integrity. It is used in the New Testament to describe the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers (e.g., 1 Thessalonians 3:13; 2 Corinthians 7:1).
  1. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:
  • Meaning: Thayer’s Lexicon defines “ἁγιωσύνη” as “holiness” or “sanctification.” Thayer’s explains that the term refers to the process and state of becoming holy, focusing on moral and spiritual purity and the dedication of one’s life to God. It highlights the transformative aspect of holiness as a continual process in the life of a believer (e.g., 1 Thessalonians 3:13; 2 Corinthians 7:1).
  1. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words:
  • Meaning: Vine’s Dictionary describes “ἁγιωσύνη” as “holiness” or “sanctification.” It emphasizes the state of being set apart for God and the moral and spiritual purity associated with it. Vine’s notes that “ἁγιωσύνη” involves both the position and practice of holiness, indicating that believers are both declared holy and called to live holy lives (e.g., 1 Thessalonians 3:13; 2 Corinthians 7:1).
  1. Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon:
  • Meaning: The Louw-Nida Lexicon categorizes “ἁγιωσύνη” as “holiness” or “sanctification.” It defines the term as the state of being dedicated to God, characterized by purity and moral integrity. The lexicon emphasizes the ongoing process of sanctification, whereby believers grow in holiness and reflect God’s character in their lives (e.g., 1 Thessalonians 3:13; 2 Corinthians 7:1).
  1. Moulton-Milligan Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament:
  • Meaning: Moulton-Milligan defines “ἁγιωσύνη” as “holiness” or “sanctification.” It highlights the term’s use in describing the quality or state of being holy, including the aspects of moral and spiritual purity. The term reflects both the position of being set apart for God and the ongoing process of becoming more like Him (e.g., 1 Thessalonians 3:13; 2 Corinthians 7:1).

“ἁγιωσύνη” (hagiōsynē) translates to “holiness” or “sanctification” and denotes the quality or state of being holy. According to Strong’s, Thayer’s, Vine’s, Louw-Nida, and Moulton-Milligan, the term reflects divine purity, moral integrity, and dedication to God. It emphasizes both the positional aspect of being declared holy and the practical, ongoing process of becoming more holy through the work of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life. This process is essential for living a life that is set apart for God and reflective of His character.

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