
Brief Overview of ὀφείλημα (Strong’s G3783: opheílēma)

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Unveiling the Word

The Greek word ὀφείλημα (opheílēma) is translated as “debt” or “obligation” in English. It signifies something that is owed, whether it be financial, moral, or ethical. This term carries significant weight within the context of forgiveness and accountability, particularly as it appears in Matthew 6:12, where it is included in the Lord’s Prayer, urging believers to seek forgiveness for their debts as they forgive others. The use of ὀφείλημα encapsulates the broader biblical theme of relational responsibility and the imperative to forgive. This word’s roots are deeply intertwined with the concepts of mercy and grace, central to Christian teachings.

Necessary Information

Greek Word: ὀφείλημα (opheílēma), pronounced [o-fay-LEE-ma].

Etymology: The term is derived from the verb ὀφείλω (opheilō), which means “to owe.” This root underscores the essence of obligation, emphasizing the responsibility one has toward another, whether in financial transactions or in moral duties.

Part of Speech: Noun.

The F.O.G Word Choice: Coming Soon.

Defining Meanings

Debt: The primary meaning of ὀφείλημα refers to a sum of money or an obligation owed to another person or entity. It implies a requirement to repay or fulfill a promise.

Obligation: In a broader sense, ὀφείλημα encompasses moral or ethical obligations, indicating responsibilities that extend beyond financial debts to include interpersonal and spiritual duties.

Liability: The term can also connote a legal or financial liability, highlighting the potential consequences of failing to meet one’s obligations.

Exploring Similar Words

ὀφειλή (opheilé) [o-fay-LAY]: This noun translates to “debt” and emphasizes the concept of what is owed, similar to ὀφείλημα but without the connotation of obligation.

χρέος (chreos) [KHREH-ohs]: Meaning “debt” or “obligation,” this word focuses on the nature of the obligation itself and can imply a sense of responsibility.

ἀνταλλαγή (antallagē) [an-ta-lah-GAY]: This term means “exchange” and indicates a reciprocal transaction, differing from ὀφείλημα by focusing on the mutual aspect of obligations rather than a one-sided debt.

Reviewing the Word’s Morphology

For Nouns:

Case, Number, Gender: ὀφείλημα is neuter, singular, and in the nominative case.

Declension: It follows the third declension pattern, which affects how the word changes form based on its grammatical role in a sentence.

Studying Lexicon Insights

Insights from various Greek lexicons highlight that ὀφείλημα is essential for understanding the moral dimensions of debt within biblical texts. Its appearance in Matthew 6:12 emphasizes the need for mutual forgiveness among individuals, illustrating how debts—both financial and ethical—interact with the concepts of grace and mercy. In New Testament narratives, the notion of ὀφείλημα serves as a reminder of the obligations one has to others and the importance of maintaining harmonious relationships through forgiveness. The term is also referenced in classical literature, where it plays a role in discussions of social contracts and ethical duties.

This overview synthesizes insights from BDAG, Thayer’s, LSJ, Vine’s, Strong’s, LEH, and Moulton and Milligan.

Tracing Related Scriptures

Matthew 6:12: “And forgive us our debts [ὀφείλημα], as we also have forgiven our debtors.”

Romans 4:4: “Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due. [ὀφείλημα]”

Colossians 2:14: “By canceling the record of debt [ὀφείλημα] that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.”

Analyzing Classical Usage

In classical Greek literature, ὀφείλημα is often used to discuss the responsibilities owed by individuals to one another, emphasizing the importance of fulfilling one’s obligations.

Example 1: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics: “A person must fulfill their debts [ὀφείλημα] to maintain societal harmony and justice.”

Example 2: Plato, Republic: “Justice requires that one repays their obligations [ὀφείλημα] to others, ensuring balance in the community.”

Example 3: Sophocles, Antigone: “The law demands that we honor our debts [ὀφείλημα] to the state and to the gods.”

Septuagint Example 1: Exodus 22:14: “If a man borrows anything of his neighbor, and it is injured or dies, the owner not being with it, he shall surely make it good. [ὀφείλημα]”

Septuagint Example 2: Proverbs 22:7: “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender. [ὀφείλημα]”

Septuagint Example 3: Ezekiel 18:7: “He does not lend at interest or take any profit; he withholds his hand from iniquity and executes true justice between man and man. [ὀφείλημα]”

Noteworthy Summary

The Greek word ὀφείλημα refers to “debt” or “obligation,” emphasizing both financial and moral responsibilities. Its use in biblical texts highlights the importance of forgiveness and the necessity of fulfilling one’s obligations to others.

Did You Know?

1. The concept of ὀφείλημα in the New Testament often emphasizes the moral duty to forgive, not just the act of repaying debts.

2. The Lord’s Prayer highlights the interconnectivity of debts and forgiveness, suggesting that our willingness to forgive is as crucial as our acknowledgment of our debts.

3. ὀφείλημα can be seen as part of a broader biblical theme that stresses the need for mercy and grace in relationships, reflecting the heart of Christian teachings.

Strong’s G3783: ὀφείλημα (opheílēma) translates as “debt,” underscoring the moral implications of obligations and the importance of forgiveness in human relationships within biblical teachings.

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