
Brief Overview of ἁγιάζω (Strong's G37: Hagiazo)

ἁγιάζω (Hagiazo):
The Greek word “ἁγιάζω” (hagiazo) translates to “to sanctify” or “to consecrate.” It is derived from “ἅγιος” (hagios), meaning “holy” or “sacred.” The term refers to the process of making something or someone holy, set apart for divine purposes, or purified. It is used in both literal and metaphorical contexts to denote the act of dedicating or purifying for sacred use.

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Detailed Overview Incorporating Other Concordances

ἁγιάζω (Hagiazo):

  1. Strong’s Concordance:
  • Meaning: According to Strong’s Concordance (G37), “ἁγιάζω” means “to sanctify” or “to consecrate.” It signifies the act of setting apart or making something holy, often in a religious or spiritual context. The term is used to describe the process of dedicating people, places, or objects to God, making them suitable for divine purposes or worship (e.g., John 17:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:23).
  1. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:
  • Meaning: Thayer’s Lexicon defines “ἁγιάζω” as “to sanctify” or “to consecrate.” It highlights that the term involves making something or someone holy, which includes setting apart for divine service or purpose. Thayer’s explains that “ἁγιάζω” can be applied to both physical objects and individuals, emphasizing purification and dedication to God (e.g., John 17:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:23).
  1. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words:
  • Meaning: Vine’s Dictionary describes “ἁγιάζω” as “to sanctify” or “to consecrate.” It explains that the term is used to denote the process of making something holy or setting it apart for God. Vine’s notes that this includes the act of purifying and dedicating people or things for divine use and service (e.g., John 17:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:23).
  1. Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon:
  • Meaning: The Louw-Nida Lexicon categorizes “ἁγιάζω” as “to sanctify” or “to consecrate.” It defines the term as the act of making something holy or setting it apart for sacred purposes. The lexicon notes that this involves both the purification of individuals and the dedication of objects or spaces for divine service (e.g., John 17:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:23).
  1. Moulton-Milligan Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament:
  • Meaning: Moulton-Milligan defines “ἁγιάζω” as “to sanctify” or “to consecrate.” It emphasizes its use in describing the process of making things or individuals holy, often through purification and dedication for religious purposes. The term is applied to both physical and spiritual contexts (e.g., John 17:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:23).

“ἁγιάζω” (hagiazo) translates to “to sanctify” or “to consecrate” and involves making something or someone holy, setting them apart for divine use or worship. Various concordances, including Strong’s, Thayer’s, Vine’s, Louw-Nida, and Moulton-Milligan, emphasize its meaning in contexts of purification and dedication, whether applied to individuals, objects, or spaces. The term denotes the act of dedicating or setting apart for sacred purposes, reflecting the process of making holy in both literal and figurative senses.

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