
Brief Overview of ἅλας (Strong's G217:)

The Greek noun ἅλας (halas) means “salt.” It is used both in a literal sense, referring to the mineral used for seasoning and preserving food, and in a metaphorical sense, often symbolizing purity, wisdom, or the quality of being a good influence. The term appears in various contexts in the New Testament, indicating its importance in daily life and its symbolic uses in teaching and parables.

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Detailed Overview

  1. Strong’s Concordance:
  • G217 ἅλας (halas): According to Strong’s Concordance, ἅλας is defined as “salt.” It highlights its use in the literal sense, such as seasoning and preservation, and notes its metaphorical usage, such as in Matthew 5:13 where Jesus refers to His followers as “the salt of the earth,” symbolizing their role in adding value and preserving goodness.
  1. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:
  • Thayer’s Lexicon provides a definition of ἅλας as “salt,” noting its various applications. In the literal sense, it refers to the common substance used in food. Metaphorically, Thayer highlights its use to signify qualities such as wisdom, preservation, and the moral impact one has, as in the teachings of Jesus and other biblical texts.
  1. Liddell-Scott-Jones (LSJ) Greek-English Lexicon:
  • The LSJ Lexicon describes ἅλας as “salt,” used both literally and figuratively. It discusses the practical uses of salt in ancient Greek culture, including its role in food preparation and preservation. Additionally, it notes the symbolic use of salt in literature and philosophy, reflecting its value and importance in various contexts.
  1. Brown-Driver-Briggs (BDB) Lexicon:
  • The BDB Lexicon, primarily focusing on Hebrew terms, aligns with the general definition of ἅλας as “salt.” It supports the understanding of the term as used in biblical texts to symbolize preservation, flavor, and influence, consistent with its literal and metaphorical meanings.

In summary, ἅλας (halas) is a Greek noun meaning “salt,” used both literally for the substance used in food and metaphorically to represent qualities such as preservation, wisdom, and influence. Strong’s Concordance, Thayer’s Lexicon, the LSJ Lexicon, and the BDB Lexicon provide consistent definitions, highlighting the term’s importance in everyday life and its symbolic significance in biblical teachings.

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