
Brief Overview of διαφθείρω (G1311: diapheírō)

Word Details

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  • Transliteration: διαφθείρω (diapheírō) [dee-ah-FTHAY-ro]
  • Etymology: From the root words διά (G1223: diá) meaning through and φθείρω (G5351: phtheírō) meaning to destroy, to corrupt. The compound form suggests the idea of thoroughly corrupting or completely destroying something.
  • Part of Speech: Verb
  • The F.O.G Word Choice: Coming Soon

Primary Meanings

  • To corrupt or spoil: Refers to the act of causing something to become morally or physically tainted, ruined, or decayed.
  • To destroy or ruin: Implies the complete or thorough destruction of something, either in a literal or figurative sense.
  • To lead astray or pervert: Suggests causing someone to turn away from good or to engage in morally corrupt behavior.

Further Insights

  • Person: Third person
  • Number: Singular
  • Tense: Present
  • Voice: Active
  • Mood: Indicative

Further Insights Explained:

  • The word διαφθείρω in this form is in the third person singular, present, active, indicative form. It can be translated as “he/she/it corrupts” or “he/she/it destroys.” The present tense indicates ongoing or habitual action, the active voice shows that the subject is performing the action, and the indicative mood presents this as a factual statement.

Disclaimer: The morphological details provided above reflect the specific form of διαφθείρω in its present, active, indicative form. The word’s usage and meaning may vary depending on context and sentence structure.

Lexicon Descriptions

BDAG (Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich):

  • διαφθείρω is defined as to destroy, ruin, or corrupt, with an emphasis on the thoroughness or completeness of the action. It can be used both in physical contexts (such as destroying a building) and moral contexts (such as corrupting a person or group).
  • Scripture References: 1 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 4:16

Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:

  • Thayer describes διαφθείρω as meaning to corrupt or to destroy, particularly in the sense of bringing something to a state of ruin or moral decay. The term is often used in contexts where the action results in complete devastation or corruption.
  • Scripture References: 1 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 4:16, Revelation 11:18

Vine’s Expository Dictionary:

  • Vine’s explains that διαφθείρω refers to the act of destroying or corrupting, often with the connotation of moral or spiritual degradation. The term highlights the thoroughness of the action, whether it is physical destruction or moral corruption.
  • Scripture References: 1 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 4:16, Revelation 11:18

LSJ (Liddell, Scott, Jones):

  • LSJ defines διαφθείρω as to destroy, ruin, or corrupt, particularly with a focus on the complete or thorough nature of the action. It is used both literally (destroying physical objects) and metaphorically (corrupting morals or character).
  • Scripture References: 1 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 4:16, Revelation 11:18

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance:

  • Strong’s defines διαφθείρω as a compound word from διά (G1223: diá) and φθείρω (G5351: phtheírō), meaning to destroy or corrupt thoroughly. It is used to describe actions that result in complete ruin or corruption, whether physically, morally, or spiritually.
  • Scripture References: 1 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 4:16, Revelation 11:18

Usage in Classical Greek Literature

  • Herodotus, Histories: Herodotus uses διαφθείρω to describe the destruction of cities and civilizations, emphasizing the complete devastation brought about by war or conquest.
  • Plato, Republic: Plato employs the term in discussions about moral corruption, particularly in the context of leaders who corrupt the state by leading it away from justice and truth.
  • Sophocles, Antigone: Sophocles uses διαφθείρω to describe the moral decay that occurs when individuals prioritize personal gain over the welfare of the community, leading to the eventual downfall of both the person and the state.


διαφθείρω (G1311: diapheírō) is a Greek verb that primarily means to destroy, corrupt, or ruin. Derived from διά (through) and φθείρω (to destroy, to corrupt), the term emphasizes the thoroughness or completeness of the action, whether it be physical destruction or moral corruption. In the New Testament, διαφθείρω is used in contexts where the emphasis is on the devastating consequences of corruption or destruction, as seen in 1 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 4:16, and Revelation 11:18. The word is also prevalent in classical Greek literature, where it is used to describe both the physical destruction of cities and the moral decay of individuals or societies. Overall, διαφθείρω captures the idea of thorough corruption or destruction, making it a significant term for understanding the consequences of actions that lead to ruin, whether in the physical, moral, or spiritual realms.

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