
Brief Overview of διατρίβω (G1304: diatríbō)

Word Details

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  • Transliteration: διατρίβω (diatríbō) [dee-ah-TREE-boh]
  • Etymology: From the root words διά (G1223: diá) meaning through, thoroughly and τρίβω (G5147: tríbō) meaning to rub, to wear away, to spend. The compound form suggests an action that involves spending time, lingering, or wearing away.
  • Part of Speech: Verb
  • The F.O.G Word Choice: Coming Soon

Primary Meanings

  • To spend time: Refers to the act of lingering or staying in a place for an extended period.
  • To stay or tarry: Implies remaining in a location longer than usual, often involving continued presence or activity.
  • To wear away or rub: In a metaphorical sense, it can also mean to wear away or diminish something through constant use or action.

Further Insights

  • Person: Third person
  • Number: Singular
  • Tense: Present
  • Voice: Active
  • Mood: Indicative

Further Insights Explained:

  • The word διατρίβω in this form is in the third person singular, present, active, indicative form. It can be translated as “he/she/it spends time” or “he/she/it stays.” The present tense indicates ongoing or habitual action, the active voice shows that the subject is performing the action, and the indicative mood reflects that it is a statement of fact.

Disclaimer: The morphological details provided above reflect the specific form of διατρίβω in its present, active, indicative form. The word’s usage and meaning may vary depending on context and sentence structure.

Lexicon Descriptions

BDAG (Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich):

  • διατρίβω is defined as to spend time, linger, or stay in a place. The term often emphasizes the passage of time spent in a particular location or activity.
  • Scripture References: Acts 20:6, Acts 18:23, John 3:22

Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:

  • Thayer defines διατρίβω as meaning to stay, tarry, or spend time, particularly in the context of remaining in a place or engaging in an activity for an extended period.
  • Scripture References: Acts 20:6, Acts 18:23, John 3:22

Vine’s Expository Dictionary:

  • Vine’s describes διατρίβω as to spend time or linger, with a focus on the continued presence or activity in a location. The term highlights the duration and persistence of the action.
  • Scripture References: Acts 20:6, Acts 18:23, John 3:22

LSJ (Liddell, Scott, Jones):

  • LSJ defines διατρίβω as to rub away or wear down, with a secondary meaning of spending time or tarrying. The term is used both in a literal sense (wearing away) and a metaphorical sense (spending time).
  • Scripture References: Acts 20:6, Acts 18:23, John 3:22

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance:

  • Strong’s defines διατρίβω as a compound word from διά (G1223: diá) and τρίβω (G5147: tríbō), meaning to spend time or linger. It is used to describe actions that involve remaining in a place or continuing an activity over time.
  • Scripture References: Acts 20:6, Acts 18:23, John 3:22

Usage in Classical Greek Literature

  • Herodotus, Histories: Herodotus uses διατρίβω to describe the act of spending time in a location during travel or while waiting for events to unfold, emphasizing the lingering presence of individuals in a specific place.
  • Plato, Phaedrus: Plato employs the term in a philosophical context, where διατρίβω is used to describe the act of lingering on thoughts or ideas, suggesting a process of deep contemplation or prolonged discussion.
  • Xenophon, Anabasis: Xenophon uses διατρίβω in a military context to refer to soldiers spending time in camp, highlighting the passage of time during periods of waiting or preparation.


διατρίβω (G1304: diatríbō) is a Greek verb that primarily means to spend time, linger, or stay. Derived from διά (through, thoroughly) and τρίβω (to rub, to wear away), the term conveys a sense of lingering or spending time in a particular location or activity. In the New Testament, διατρίβω is used in contexts where individuals remain in a place for an extended period, as seen in passages like Acts 20:6, Acts 18:23, and John 3:22. The word is also prevalent in classical Greek literature, where it is used to describe both literal and metaphorical lingering, whether in a physical location or in thought. Overall, διατρίβω highlights the concept of spending time, lingering, or staying in both ancient and biblical contexts, making it a key term for understanding the importance of time and presence in Greek thought and language.

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