
Brief Overview of διασῴζω (G1295: diasōzō)

Word Details

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  • Transliteration: διασῴζω (diasōzō) [dee-ah-SOH-dzoh]
  • Etymology: From the root words διά (G1223: diá) meaning through, thoroughly and σῴζω (G4982: sōzō) meaning to save, to preserve, to rescue. The compound form suggests a thorough or complete act of saving or rescuing.
  • Part of Speech: Verb
  • The F.O.G Word Choice: Coming Soon

Primary Meanings

  • To save or rescue completely: Refers to the act of saving or delivering someone or something fully and thoroughly, often from danger or peril.
  • To preserve or keep safe: Implies the act of keeping something or someone safe from harm, ensuring their continued existence or safety.
  • To bring safely through: Often used in the context of guiding someone or something through a dangerous or difficult situation, ensuring their survival.

Further Insights

  • Person: Third person
  • Number: Singular
  • Tense: Present
  • Voice: Active
  • Mood: Indicative

Further Insights Explained:

  • The word διασῴζω in this form is in the third person singular, present, active, indicative form. It can be translated as “he/she/it saves completely” or “he/she/it preserves.” The present tense indicates ongoing or habitual action, the active voice shows that the subject is performing the action, and the indicative mood presents this as a factual statement.

Disclaimer: The morphological details provided above reflect the specific form of διασῴζω in its present, active, indicative form. The word’s usage and meaning may vary depending on context and sentence structure.

Lexicon Descriptions

BDAG (Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich):

  • διασῴζω is defined as to save or rescue completely, emphasizing the thoroughness of the action. It is often used in contexts where a person or thing is brought safely through danger or preserved from harm.
  • Scripture References: Acts 27:44, Acts 28:1, Luke 7:3

Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:

  • Thayer defines διασῴζω as meaning to preserve, keep safe, or save completely. The emphasis is on the complete and thorough nature of the saving act, often implying that the subject has been delivered from significant danger or peril.
  • Scripture References: Acts 27:44, Acts 28:1, Luke 7:3

Vine’s Expository Dictionary:

  • Vine’s describes διασῴζω as to bring safely through or to save thoroughly. The term is used to indicate the successful preservation of someone or something, often through a difficult or dangerous situation.
  • Scripture References: Acts 27:44, Acts 28:1, Luke 7:3

LSJ (Liddell, Scott, Jones):

  • LSJ defines διασῴζω as to save or preserve thoroughly, particularly in contexts where the subject is brought safely through a challenging or hazardous situation. The term is used both in physical and metaphorical contexts to denote complete preservation.
  • Scripture References: Acts 27:44, Acts 28:1, Luke 7:3

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance:

  • Strong’s defines διασῴζω as a compound word from διά (G1223: diá) and σῴζω (G4982: sōzō), meaning to save or preserve completely. It is used to describe the act of delivering someone or something safely through danger or preserving them from harm.
  • Scripture References: Acts 27:44, Acts 28:1, Luke 7:3

Usage in Classical Greek Literature

  • Herodotus, Histories: Herodotus uses διασῴζω to describe the act of preserving an army through a difficult campaign, emphasizing the complete rescue and survival of the troops.
  • Plato, Laws: Plato employs the term in a metaphorical sense to describe the preservation of moral and ethical principles through education, suggesting that these principles are kept safe and intact despite challenges.
  • Xenophon, Anabasis: Xenophon uses διασῴζω to recount the preservation of a group of soldiers through treacherous terrain, highlighting the leadership and strategy involved in their safe passage.


διασῴζω (G1295: diasōzō) is a Greek verb that primarily means to save, rescue, or preserve completely. Derived from διά (through, thoroughly) and σῴζω (to save, to preserve), the term emphasizes a thorough and complete act of saving or delivering someone or something from danger or harm. In the New Testament, διασῴζω is used in various contexts to describe the act of bringing someone safely through a dangerous situation, as seen in passages like Acts 27:44, Acts 28:1, and Luke 7:3. The word is also prevalent in classical Greek literature, where it is used to describe both physical and metaphorical acts of preservation and rescue. Overall, διασῴζω highlights the concept of thorough and complete salvation or preservation, making it a significant term in understanding both ancient and biblical perspectives on safety, rescue, and protection.

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