
Brief Overview of διασπείρω (G1289: diaspeírō)

Word Details

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  • Transliteration: διασπείρω (diaspeírō) [dee-ah-SPEE-roh]
  • Etymology: From the root words διά (G1223: diá) meaning through, thoroughly and σπείρω (G4687: speírō) meaning to sow, to scatter seed. The compound form suggests a thorough or wide scattering, particularly of seeds or people.
  • Part of Speech: Verb
  • The F.O.G Word Choice: Coming Soon

Primary Meanings

  • To scatter abroad or disperse: Refers to the action of spreading something, such as seeds or people, widely across an area.
  • To sow or spread: Indicates the act of planting or dispersing something, with an emphasis on wide or thorough distribution.
  • To scatter or disperse widely: Can also imply the act of causing a group of people to disperse over a wide area, often in the context of forced migration or exile.

Further Insights

  • Person: Third person
  • Number: Singular
  • Tense: Aorist
  • Voice: Active
  • Mood: Indicative

Further Insights Explained:

  • The word διασπείρω in this form is in the third person singular, aorist, active, indicative form. It would translate as “he/she/it scattered” or “he/she/it dispersed.” The aorist tense indicates a completed action, the active voice shows that the subject is performing the action, and the indicative mood presents this as a factual statement.

Disclaimer: The morphological details provided above are specific to the word διασπείρω in its aorist, active, indicative form. These details may change depending on the context and use within different sentences.

Lexicon Descriptions

BDAG (Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich):

  • διασπείρω is defined as to scatter or disperse. The term often refers to a wide and thorough dispersal, particularly of seeds or people, suggesting an intentional spreading over a broad area.
  • Scripture References: Matthew 26:31, Mark 14:27, John 16:32

Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:

  • Thayer defines διασπείρω as meaning to scatter abroad or disperse, emphasizing the wide and thorough distribution, whether of seeds, people, or other objects. The word is often used in contexts where dispersal leads to separation or isolation.
  • Scripture References: Matthew 26:31, Mark 14:27, John 16:32

Vine’s Expository Dictionary:

  • Vine’s describes διασπείρω as to scatter or disperse, particularly in the context of sowing seeds or spreading people across a wide area. The term highlights the thorough and intentional nature of the dispersal.
  • Scripture References: Matthew 26:31, Mark 14:27, John 16:32

LSJ (Liddell, Scott, Jones):

  • LSJ defines διασπείρω as to scatter, disperse, or sow. The term is frequently used in classical literature to describe the scattering of seeds in agriculture, as well as the dispersal of people, often in the context of migration or exile.
  • Scripture References: Matthew 26:31, Mark 14:27, John 16:32

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance:

  • Strong’s defines διασπείρω as a compound word from διά (G1223: diá) and σπείρω (G4687: speírō), meaning to scatter or disperse. It is used to describe the action of widely spreading or sowing something, particularly seeds or groups of people.
  • Scripture References: Matthew 26:31, Mark 14:27, John 16:32

Usage in Classical Greek Literature

  • Homer, Iliad: Homer uses διασπείρω to describe the scattering of soldiers across the battlefield, emphasizing the chaos and disorder that result from a dispersed army.
  • Herodotus, Histories: Herodotus employs the term to depict the dispersal of populations due to war or migration, focusing on the widespread and often forced nature of the movement.
  • Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus: Sophocles uses διασπείρω metaphorically to describe the scattering of Oedipus’ family and the resulting isolation and alienation experienced by the characters.


διασπείρω (G1289: diaspeírō) is a Greek verb that primarily means to scatter, disperse, or sow. Derived from διά (through, thoroughly) and σπείρω (to sow, to scatter seed), the term emphasizes a thorough and often wide-ranging dispersal, whether of seeds, people, or objects. In the New Testament, διασπείρω is used in various contexts, including the scattering of the disciples, as seen in passages such as Matthew 26:31, Mark 14:27, and John 16:32. The word also appears frequently in classical Greek literature, where it is used to describe the scattering of armies, populations, and even abstract concepts like familial bonds. Overall, διασπείρω highlights the concept of dispersal and separation, whether in physical, social, or metaphorical contexts, making it a significant term in understanding both ancient and biblical perspectives on scattering, sowing, and dispersal.

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