
Brief overview of διάγω (G1236: diágo)

Transliteration: diágo (pronounced dee-AH-go)
Part of Speech: Verb

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The Greek verb διάγω (diágo) is a compound word formed from the preposition διά (dia), meaning “through” or “across,” and the verb ἄγω (ago), meaning “to lead” or “to carry.” The verb diágo thus conveys the idea of leading through, passing through, or spending time. The primary meanings of the word revolve around the concept of spending time or living through certain circumstances. It can imply leading a life, spending time, or passing through a period or experience.

In classical Greek, diágo was used to describe various activities related to the passage of time, including how one spends their life or the experiences they go through. In the New Testament, it carries similar connotations, often in the context of living or conducting one’s life.

Scripture References

Acts 27:29 – “Fearing that we would be dashed against the rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern and prayed for daylight to come (diágo).”

1 Timothy 2:2 – “For kings and all those in authority, that we may live (diágo) peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

These verses illustrate how diágo is used to describe the passage of time or the way in which one conducts their life, emphasizing the importance of living in a manner that is peaceful, godly, and holy.

Detailed Lexicon Description

In BDAG (Bauer-Danker-Arndt-Gingrich), diágo is defined as “to pass time, to spend time, or to live through.” BDAG highlights that the verb is used primarily in contexts where the focus is on the way time is spent, whether in specific activities or in the general course of one’s life. The lexicon also notes that diágo can carry connotations of enduring or experiencing certain circumstances, particularly in relation to the conduct of one’s life.

Thayer’s Greek Lexicon describes diágo similarly, noting that it is used to express the idea of passing time or living through various situations. Thayer’s emphasizes that the verb often appears in moral or ethical contexts, where it pertains to the way a person lives or behaves over time.

LSJ (Liddell-Scott-Jones) also provides a classical perspective, noting that diágo was used in ancient Greek literature to describe the passage of time, particularly in the context of how one spends their life or the experiences they endure. The lexicon highlights that diágo is associated with leading a life or conducting oneself through different circumstances.

Usage in Classical Greek Literature

  1. Herodotus, Histories 1.32 – In this work, Herodotus uses diágo to describe the way a person spends their life, particularly in terms of the challenges and experiences they go through. The verb emphasizes the passage of time and the way life is conducted.
  2. Plato, Republic 6.498d – Plato employs diágo in a discussion about how one should live a just and virtuous life. The term is used to convey the importance of spending one’s life in a manner consistent with philosophical ideals.
  3. Xenophon, Anabasis 3.2.10 – Xenophon uses diágo to describe the experience of leading a group through a journey, focusing on the passage of time and the challenges encountered along the way. The verb underscores the idea of enduring and leading through difficulties.


The Greek verb διάγω (diágo) carries the core meaning of spending or passing time, often in the context of living through experiences or conducting one’s life. Derived from the preposition διά (dia), meaning “through,” and the verb ἄγω (ago), meaning “to lead,” diágo encompasses the idea of leading a life or passing through periods of time.

In the New Testament, diágo is used to describe the way believers should live their lives, emphasizing peacefulness, godliness, and holiness. The verb underscores the importance of how time is spent, particularly in a moral or ethical context.

Classical Greek literature similarly employs diágo to describe the passage of time and the experiences one goes through. The verb is closely associated with the conduct of life, particularly in terms of leading a virtuous or just existence.

Overall, diágo serves as a reminder of the importance of how we spend our time and conduct our lives, urging us to live in a manner that reflects godliness, peace, and virtue.

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