
Brief Overview of Δειλός (G1169: Deilós)

Deilós (pronounced day-LOSS, δειλός) is a Greek adjective found under Strong’s Concordance number G1169. The word Deilós is derived from the same root as δειλία (deilía), meaning “timidity” or “cowardice.” Deilós specifically describes a person who is “timid,” “fearful,” or “cowardly.” The term is often used in a negative sense, connoting a lack of courage or resolve in the face of danger, challenges, or moral responsibilities.

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In its primary usage, Deilós characterizes someone who is prone to fear or who shrinks back in the face of adversity. This term carries the implication of a weak or unsteady disposition, particularly in situations that require bravery or steadfastness. In the New Testament, Deilós is used to describe the attitude of those who lack the boldness and courage that should accompany a life of faith, contrasting with the spirit of power, love, and self-discipline that believers are called to exhibit.

Scripture References

  1. Matthew 8:26: “And he said to them, ‘Why are you afraid (δειλοί, deiloí), O you of little faith?’ Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.” In this verse, Deilós is used to describe the disciples’ fear during the storm, which Jesus contrasts with the faith they should have displayed.
  2. Mark 4:40: “He said to them, ‘Why are you so afraid (δειλοί, deiloí)? Have you still no faith?'” Here, Deilós is again used to rebuke the disciples for their lack of courage and faith in the face of danger.
  3. Revelation 21:8: “But as for the cowardly (δειλοῖς, deilois), the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” In this context, Deilós is used to describe those who, out of fear or lack of faith, turn away from God, placing them in the same category as other grievous sinners.

Detailed Description from Lexicons

In BDAG (Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich), Deilós is defined as “timid” or “cowardly,” with a focus on its use in describing a lack of courage or resolve. BDAG emphasizes that Deilós is often used in the New Testament to highlight the contrast between fearfulness and the faith and boldness expected of believers. The lexicon notes that Deilós carries a negative connotation, often associated with spiritual or moral weakness.

Thayer’s Lexicon describes Deilós as “fearful” or “cowardly,” focusing on the term’s role in characterizing a person who lacks the courage to face danger or stand firm in their convictions. Thayer’s points out that Deilós is often used to describe a lack of spiritual courage, particularly in contexts where fear leads to a failure to trust in God or act according to His will.

The LSJ (Liddell, Scott, Jones) lexicon provides a broader context for Deilós, noting its use in classical Greek literature to describe someone who is “cowardly” or “faint-hearted.” LSJ emphasizes that Deilós was commonly viewed as a negative trait in Greek culture, associated with dishonor and shame. The term was often used in both military and moral contexts to describe individuals who failed to display the bravery or resolve expected of them.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance lists Deilós as “timid” or “cowardly,” highlighting its use in the New Testament to describe a spirit of fear that is contrary to the boldness and confidence that comes from faith in God. The concordance notes that Deilós is a characteristic that believers are called to overcome, as it hinders spiritual growth and effective witness.

Usage in Classical Greek Literature

Deilós appears in various classical Greek texts, often in contexts related to bravery, honor, and moral integrity.

  1. Thucydides in “The History of the Peloponnesian War” uses Deilós to describe the cowardice of soldiers who fail to stand their ground in battle, emphasizing the dishonor associated with such behavior.
  2. Homer in “The Iliad” uses Deilós to describe characters who are marked by their fear and hesitation in the face of battle, contrasting them with the heroes who display courage and valor.
  3. Plato in “The Republic” discusses Deilós in the context of moral courage, where it is contrasted with the virtue of bravery. Plato views Deilós as a significant moral failing that undermines the character and integrity of individuals.


Deilós (pronounced day-LOSS, δειλός) is a Greek adjective meaning “timid,” “fearful,” or “cowardly.” Derived from δειλία (deilía), the term is used to describe a person who lacks courage or resolve, particularly in situations that require bravery or steadfastness. In the New Testament, Deilós is used to highlight the contrast between a spirit of fear and the boldness and confidence that comes from faith in God. Lexicons such as BDAG, Thayer’s, and LSJ emphasize the negative connotations of Deilós, associating it with spiritual and moral weakness. In classical Greek literature, Deilós is often used to describe cowardice in military and moral contexts, reflecting its broader cultural significance as a trait to be avoided. The word Deilós serves as a reminder of the importance of courage and faith in overcoming fear and living a life that honors God.

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