
Brief Overview of Δανείζω (G1155: Daneizō)

Daneizō (pronounced da-NAY-zo, δανείζω) is a Greek verb found under Strong’s Concordance number G1155. The word Daneizō is derived from the root word δάνειον (daneion), which means “loan” or “debt.” Daneizō primarily means “to lend” or “to borrow,” depending on the context in which it is used. The verb is associated with financial transactions and can involve the lending of money, goods, or other resources with the expectation of repayment.

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In its primary usage, Daneizō refers to the act of lending or borrowing. In ancient times, this could involve formal or informal agreements, often with the expectation of interest or some form of return. The concept of lending and borrowing was a common practice in both personal and commercial transactions, and Daneizō captures the essence of these financial interactions. The term highlights the relational aspect of lending, where trust and obligation play significant roles.

Scripture References

  1. Matthew 5:42: “Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow (δανείσασθαι, daneisasthai) from you.” In this verse, Jesus teaches about generosity and the willingness to lend without hesitation.
  2. Luke 6:34: “And if you lend (δανείζετε, daneizete) to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount.” Here, Jesus emphasizes the importance of lending with a selfless attitude, rather than expecting repayment.
  3. Deuteronomy 15:6 (LXX): “For the LORD your God will bless you, as he promised you, and you shall lend (δανειεῖς, daneieis) to many nations, but you shall not borrow, and you shall rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over you.” This verse, although from the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament), reflects the broader biblical principle of lending as a sign of blessing and prosperity.

Detailed Description from Lexicons

In BDAG (Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich), Daneizō is defined as “to lend” or “to borrow,” depending on the grammatical voice used (active or middle). BDAG emphasizes that Daneizō is often used in contexts where lending is done with the expectation of repayment, whether in the form of money, goods, or favors. The lexicon notes that in the New Testament, the term is used primarily in teachings about generosity and ethical behavior, highlighting the moral implications of lending.

Thayer’s Lexicon also defines Daneizō as “to lend” or “to borrow,” with a focus on the act of lending money or goods. Thayer’s highlights that the term can also imply the charging of interest, depending on the context, though in many biblical passages, the emphasis is on lending without expecting anything in return. The lexicon discusses the ethical teachings surrounding Daneizō, particularly in the Sermon on the Mount and the teachings of Jesus, where the focus is on selflessness and generosity.

The LSJ (Liddell, Scott, Jones) lexicon describes Daneizō as “to lend” or “to borrow,” noting its use in both commercial and personal contexts in classical Greek literature. LSJ emphasizes that Daneizō was a common term in ancient Greek society, reflecting the importance of lending and borrowing in economic transactions. The lexicon also notes that the term could carry connotations of obligation and trust, as lending often involved personal relationships and mutual expectations.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance lists Daneizō as “to lend” or “to borrow,” focusing on its use in the New Testament. The concordance highlights that the term is associated with teachings about generosity and ethical behavior, particularly in the context of Jesus’ instructions to his followers.

Usage in Classical Greek Literature

Daneizō appears in various classical Greek texts, often in the context of financial transactions and lending practices.

  1. Aristophanes in his comedy “Plutus” uses Daneizō to describe the practice of lending money, often with a satirical twist that critiques the ethics of moneylenders and borrowers in society.
  2. Plato in his dialogue “Laws” discusses the practice of lending and borrowing within the context of economic justice and societal norms. Daneizō is used to explore the moral implications of lending, particularly in terms of fairness and responsibility.
  3. Xenophon in his work “Oeconomicus” uses Daneizō to describe the economic relationships between landowners and tenants, where lending and borrowing are part of the agricultural economy. The term reflects the practical aspects of lending in maintaining economic stability and fostering relationships of trust.


Daneizō (pronounced da-NAY-zo, δανείζω) is a Greek verb meaning “to lend” or “to borrow.” Derived from the root word δάνειον (daneion), meaning “loan” or “debt,” the term captures the essence of financial transactions in both personal and commercial contexts. In the New Testament, Daneizō is used in teachings that emphasize generosity, selflessness, and ethical behavior, particularly in the teachings of Jesus. Lexicons such as BDAG, Thayer’s, and LSJ highlight the importance of Daneizō in conveying the relational and moral aspects of lending, where trust and obligation play significant roles. In classical Greek literature, Daneizō is frequently mentioned in discussions of economic justice, societal norms, and the practicalities of financial transactions. The term underscores the universal nature of lending and borrowing, reflecting both the economic realities and the ethical considerations of these practices in ancient society.

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