
Brief Overview of Γόμος (G1117: Gomos)

Transliteration and Meaning:
The Greek word γόμος (transliterated as Gomos and pronounced as “go-mos”) refers to a “load,” “cargo,” or “burden.” This term is used to describe the contents of a vessel, such as the cargo carried by a ship. The root of this word is closely related to the idea of something that is carried or borne, often implying a heavy or significant load. In biblical usage, γόμος specifically refers to the goods and merchandise transported by sea, reflecting the maritime commerce that was central to the economies of the ancient Mediterranean world.

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Lexical Insights and Biblical Usage:
Lexicons such as BDAG, Thayer’s, and Strong’s provide a consistent interpretation of γόμος, focusing on its meaning as “cargo” or “freight.” BDAG notes that γόμος is used in the New Testament to describe the merchandise carried by ships, particularly in the context of commerce and trade. Thayer’s Lexicon emphasizes the term’s connection to goods loaded onto ships for transport, aligning with the broader economic activities of the time.

In the New Testament, γόμος is used specifically in the book of Revelation. For example, in Revelation 18:11-12, the term appears in the description of the fall of Babylon, where merchants weep over the loss of their cargoes, including gold, silver, precious stones, and other luxury items. This passage highlights the wealth and materialism associated with Babylon, and the word γόμος encapsulates the extensive and opulent nature of the trade that defined the city.

Usage in Classical Greek Literature:
In classical Greek literature, γόμος is similarly used to describe cargo or merchandise. For instance, the historian Herodotus uses the term to refer to the goods transported by ships during military campaigns or commercial ventures. In the works of Thucydides, the term appears in the context of naval logistics, where the efficient loading and transportation of cargo were essential for the success of naval expeditions. Additionally, γόμος is mentioned in the writings of Xenophon, who often described the movement of goods and resources in the context of both military and civilian life.

These examples from classical literature reinforce the term’s association with maritime trade and the movement of goods, reflecting the importance of commerce in the ancient world.

The word γόμος (G1117), transliterated as Gomos, primarily denotes “cargo” or “freight,” particularly in the context of goods transported by ships. Rooted in the concept of a load or burden, γόμος is used in the New Testament to describe the opulent merchandise of Babylon in Revelation 18:11-12. Lexicons like BDAG and Thayer’s align in their interpretation of the term, emphasizing its role in maritime commerce. In classical Greek literature, γόμος consistently refers to the goods and resources transported by sea, highlighting the centrality of trade in the ancient Mediterranean economy. The term encapsulates the material wealth and economic activity that characterized both ancient commerce and the symbolic wealth of Babylon in the biblical narrative.

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