Why do Christians believe in miracles in an age of science?

I – Introduction

Ever had something happen that defied explanation? Maybe a coincidence so precise it made you wonder? While science helps us understand how the universe typically works, many of us have experienced moments that seem to transcend natural explanation. The tension between scientific understanding and miraculous events isn’t necessarily a contradiction – it’s more like understanding both the rules of a game and the ability of the game designer to modify those rules.

N – Narrative Context

Historical Setting
Historical documents, including non-Christian sources, record claims of miraculous events. The Roman historian Tacitus and Jewish historian Josephus mention unusual events surrounding Jesus’ life and early Christianity.

Cultural Relevance
In our tech-driven world, the concept of miracles remains surprisingly relevant. Even as science advances, questions about consciousness, quantum mechanics, and the origins of life remind us that mystery and wonder still exist.

S – Scriptural Foundations

The Bible presents miracles as signs pointing to deeper truths. John 20:30-31 explains that miraculous signs were recorded to help people believe. Acts 2:22 describes miracles as God’s authentication of Jesus’ ministry.

P – Perspectives from Others

Other Worldviews
Many scientists, including believers and non-believers, acknowledge that science operates within natural laws but can’t disprove events outside those laws. Even skeptic David Hume admitted that evidence could theoretically prove a miracle.

Scientific/Philosophical Views
Modern quantum physics reveals a universe far stranger than classical physics suggested. Scientists like Francis Collins argue that science and faith can coexist, studying how things usually work while remaining open to exceptions.

I – Identifying Misunderstandings

Common Objections
People often say, “Science has disproven miracles.” Actually, science can only study repeatable natural phenomena – it can’t disprove unique events outside natural law.

Think of it like a video game developer – they create the rules of their game but can also intervene to modify those rules. Similarly, belief in miracles doesn’t reject natural laws but suggests a higher power can act beyond them.

R – Relevance & Application for you

Personal Impact
Understanding the relationship between science and miracles helps us maintain both rational thinking and openness to extraordinary possibilities.

Invitation to Explore
Consider reading “Miracles” by C.S. Lewis or exploring the work of scientists who discuss the compatibility of science and faith.

E – Encouragement & Conclusion

Science and miracles aren’t enemies – they’re different aspects of understanding reality. Science tells us how things normally work; miracles suggest there might be more to reality than what we can measure.

D – Did You Know?

A 2006 study published in the American Sociological Review found that nearly half of American scientists identified as religious, showing that many see no conflict between scientific understanding and belief in the supernatural. The study demonstrated that acceptance of both natural law and the possibility of divine intervention isn’t as uncommon as many might think.

What experiences in your life have made you wonder about things beyond scientific explanation? How do you reconcile the predictable patterns of nature with seemingly inexplicable events?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


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Jean Paul Joseph
Jean Paul Joseph

After a dramatic early morning encounter with King Jesus, I just couldn’t put my Bible down. The F.O.G took a hold of me and this website was born. Learn more about the F.O.G.

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