Welcome to an exciting part of your Greek journey – learning how to uncover the rich meanings of Biblical Greek words! This lesson will show you how to dig deeper into the words you’re curious about.
Why Do Word Studies?
Sometimes a word is more than just a word. In Biblical Greek, words often carry shades of meaning that can deepen our understanding of the text. Think of word study as becoming a detective – you’re gathering clues about what a word really means.
A Simple Word Study Method
Step 1: First Look
- Write down the Greek word as you find it
- Note where you found it
- Write down what you already know about it
- Look up its basic meaning in your lexicon
Step 2: Gathering Evidence
- Use a concordance to find other places the word appears
- Create a simple list of these occurrences
- Notice patterns in how it’s used
- Pay attention to who uses the word and when
Step 3: Context Matters
- Read the verses around your word
- Notice how different authors use it
- Look for any special or unusual uses
- Consider what the original readers might have understood
Step 4: Putting It Together
- Group similar uses together
- Note any surprising findings
- Write down your conclusions
- Check your findings with commentaries
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
- Don’t assume a word always means the same thing
- Don’t force English meanings onto Greek words
- Don’t ignore the context
- Don’t rush to conclusions
Let’s Practice! Word Study on ἀγάπη (Love)
Your Task
Let’s discover together what this important word means. Here’s your assignment:
First Look:
- Look up ἀγάπη in your lexicon
- Write down its basic meaning
- Note your initial thoughts
Finding Examples:
- Find 5 places where ἀγάπη appears in John’s writings
- Write down each verse
- Note how it’s used in each case
Context Check:
- Read the verses around each occurrence
- Note who is showing this love
- Note who is receiving this love
- Write down what you learn about love in each passage
Your Discoveries:
- Write a short paragraph about what you learned
- Compare your findings with different English translations
- Share what surprised you most
Helpful Tips
- Keep a notebook for your word studies
- Start with familiar words
- Take your time
- Share what you learn with others
- Remember there’s always more to discover
- Your Greek New Testament
- A basic lexicon
- A concordance (book or online)
- Your notebook
- Your curious mind!
Moving Forward
Each word study you do will make you better at understanding Greek. Start with words you’re curious about – your interest will keep you motivated!
Remember: The goal isn’t to become a Greek scholar overnight. The goal is to grow in your understanding one word at a time.
Next time you read your New Testament and wonder about a word’s meaning, you’ll have the tools to dig deeper. That’s exciting!
Happy exploring!
Part 7: Putting It All Together