Who was Smith Wigglesworth?

1. Summary of the Question

Smith Wigglesworth, often called the “Apostle of Faith,” was a British evangelist known for his healing ministry, deep faith, and unwavering dedication to God’s Word. This answer explores his life, the biblical foundations of his ministry, common misconceptions about his teachings, and lessons we can learn from his example today.

2. Context and Background

Historical Context: Smith Wigglesworth was born in 1859 in England and came to faith as a young child. Despite his limited formal education, Wigglesworth’s faith in God and the Bible became his guiding force. He was a key figure in the early Pentecostal movement, known for his straightforward preaching, boldness in faith, and countless accounts of healings and miracles. He became widely known for his ministry in the early 20th century, traveling extensively to preach the Gospel and pray for the sick.

Cultural Context: Wigglesworth ministered during a time of great upheaval and change, including the World Wars and the rise of Pentecostalism. His messages resonated with those seeking a deeper, more experiential faith. His life exemplified a reliance on the Holy Spirit and a literal belief in the authority of Scripture, which greatly influenced the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements.

Literary Context: Wigglesworth’s teachings and sermons have been documented in books like “Smith Wigglesworth on Healing,” “Ever Increasing Faith,” and “Smith Wigglesworth Devotional.” His teachings emphasized faith, healing, the power of the Holy Spirit, and living a life of holiness.

3. Biblical Foundation (NASB 2020)

Wigglesworth’s ministry was rooted in his belief in the supernatural power of God as revealed in the Bible. Several key scriptures shaped his understanding and ministry approach:

  • Mark 16:17-18 (NASB 2020): “These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
    Wigglesworth took these verses literally, believing that all believers could operate in the gifts of healing and miracles as signs of the Gospel’s power.
  • James 5:14-15 (NASB 2020): “Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church, and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him.”
    Wigglesworth emphasized the prayer of faith and believed it was essential for healing. His ministry was marked by fervent prayer and anointing with oil, in line with this scripture.
  • Hebrews 11:6 (NASB 2020): “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.”
    Wigglesworth often spoke about the importance of faith in God—believing not only in God’s existence but in His willingness and ability to intervene in our lives today.

4. Addressing Other Perspectives

  1. The Emphasis on Physical Healing: While Wigglesworth’s ministry saw numerous miraculous healings, some criticize an overemphasis on physical healing rather than the spiritual healing and transformation that the Gospel brings. However, Wigglesworth viewed healing as a sign that pointed to the reality of Jesus Christ and His kingdom. He saw it as a demonstration of God’s love and compassion, not an end in itself.
  2. The Perception of Aggressiveness in Ministry: Wigglesworth was known for his sometimes aggressive and direct methods in praying for the sick—occasionally even striking or forcefully rebuking sickness. While this could be misunderstood as harsh, Wigglesworth believed he was directly confronting the devil and disease with the authority of Christ. His intent was never to harm but to see people set free.
  3. Reliance Solely on Faith: Critics have suggested that his teachings might imply that lack of healing is due solely to a lack of faith, which could lead to guilt or discouragement among believers. However, Wigglesworth himself understood that healing is ultimately a mystery of God’s will and timing. He encouraged people to trust God’s sovereignty, even when healing did not occur.

5. Clarifying Misunderstandings

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  • Misconception: “Faith always guarantees healing.”
    Correction: Wigglesworth believed in the power of faith but also acknowledged God’s sovereignty. Healing is in God’s hands, and while faith is important, it does not guarantee an outcome. God may have a higher purpose in allowing someone to endure suffering or illness.
  • Misconception: “Wigglesworth’s ministry methods were always harsh.”
    Correction: Though known for boldness, Wigglesworth also operated out of deep compassion. His “harsh” actions were not meant to cause harm but rather to demonstrate authority over sickness and the works of the devil. Many who experienced his ministry reported feeling loved and cared for, despite his sometimes unconventional methods.
  • Misconception: “If healing doesn’t happen, God is displeased with the person.”
    Correction: Wigglesworth never taught that God’s love or favor was contingent upon healing. Rather, he encouraged believers to persist in prayer and faith, trusting in God’s perfect plan, even if immediate healing did not occur.

6. Practical Application and Relevance

  • Focusing on God’s Word: Wigglesworth’s life exemplifies a deep commitment to the Word of God. He believed the Bible was the ultimate authority and source of faith. Christians today can learn from his example to saturate their lives with Scripture, seeking God’s promises and standing firm in faith.
  • Walking in Faith and Boldness: Wigglesworth’s bold faith challenges modern believers to step out in faith, praying with expectation and believing God for great things. However, it also reminds us to balance faith with humility, always submitting to God’s will.
  • Keeping a Pure Focus on Jesus: Wigglesworth maintained a Christ-centered focus, believing that any supernatural manifestation should ultimately lead people to Jesus. This serves as a reminder to Christians to guard against the temptation to idolize signs, wonders, or even gifted individuals. The focus should always remain on Christ and His kingdom.
  • Learning the Power of Prayer: Wigglesworth’s ministry was undergirded by prayer. He believed that intimacy with God through prayer was essential for power in ministry. This encourages believers to cultivate a life of prayer, continually seeking God’s face and His will.

7. Encouragement and Conclusion

Smith Wigglesworth’s life and ministry provide a powerful example of what God can do through a surrendered vessel who believes His Word and walks in the power of the Holy Spirit. His story is a call to believers to step out in faith, to trust God in every circumstance, and to live lives marked by prayer, obedience, and a passion for God’s glory.

While we must avoid idolizing any human leader, we can learn valuable lessons from Wigglesworth’s unwavering faith and boldness. Let us seek to emulate his commitment to God’s Word and his dependence on the Holy Spirit while always remembering that our ultimate allegiance is to Christ alone. By keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus and walking in obedience to His calling, we can experience the fullness of God’s presence and power in our lives today.

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