A Prayer for Truth and The Millenium Age

The Soon return of King Jesus when His feet land on the Mount of Olives to begin His Millenium Reign is so close now, you can almost taste it. Here is my prayer as I wait.

Abba Father,

I thank You for Your fresh mercies anew this morning.

I thank You that as I have been waking up early, to spend time communing with You, I have begun to get the memo – that the greatest gift is always You before ‘these things that shall be added.’

I’m sorry for my past walk with you, when all I wanted was what Your hand could give me. Yet I’m so thankful that You broke through to my veiled heart, so that the obvious, became obvious to me.

That if the gifts are this good
I can only imagine how good
The Giver of gifts must be

Yes, I’m painfully aware of the state of this world, and how talking about Your goodness may seem strange to some, and even my own circumstances often shout in protest! Yet I know you’re on the throne, and that gives me the hope I need, that what You wrote at the end of Your Book will happen!

I pray for all the people in my life now, and in the future, who don’t fully embrace You to actually be The One on the throne. Many of them have enthroned absolutely anything else, whether it be other people, money, fame, sex or even themselves. I pray for them earnestly My God, because I know, that I know, deep down, that Your will is that none should perish, but that all should become fully alive.

And then as we come to that one glorious day, into the Age of Life! The true New Age, that the new age cult, have no idea about! An ageless age, My Abba, which you’ve been preparing for us, your chosen ones from the beginning.

I’m always astounded when I’m reminded of statements like that, of how prepared You are in Your omniscience, where not even the space-time continuum can hold you. I know right now, that You are in the future, present and past, to weave the most incredible tapestry in the lives of us who love You.

One day all the mockers will see it, and bow to You!

My heart cry is for personal and corporate revival, so that the completion of this age may occur, and the next act of the Millennium Reign may begin.

Maranatha! אָדוֹן Adonai ישוע Yeshua!
(Come! Lord Jesus.)

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