Got a Minute extra for God?
Has anyone ever told you: יהוה (Yahweh) God loves you and has a great plan for your life?
Has anyone ever told you: יהוה (Yahweh) God loves you and has a great plan for your life?
A letter to every believer.
The Bridegroom: I do not know you.
This is a line of scripture that has challenged the Body of Christ across history.
The words uttered to the foolish virgins in Jesus’ Matthew 25:12 parable.
The Bible makes it clear, He knows every hair on our heads, and every thought in our minds even before we think it. He interprets also our groans and tears. So it is clear that the above verse, “I do not know you” only happens from our side. If He does not know us, as the Bridegroom to those 5 foolish virgins said, it is on our end.
I gave my life to the Lord at the age of 7 kneeling by the bedside and had beautiful moments with Jesus as a child.
So this post is dedicated to all my Christian brothers and sisters as a plea.
It feels like I am walking into the prison cell of your own mind-construct, to share with you my experience so that the above verse “I do not know you” never applies to you.
I want you to be very sure it doesn’t. Let me explain.
I could spend hours with God as a young boy reading my picture book Bible and just talking to Him in sweet communion. So much so that I would have to be dragged out of my room to do such mundane things as eating lunch. It was so beautiful.
I was the Head Boy of my Christian school at age 12 and it was around this time maybe a year or so before (1995-1996) when I received a heart wound that would begin to sour my relationship with God. It was just a simple few words at the dining table that I can clearly see now was the enemy speaking through my Dad, trying to stifle my voice. And I’m sure he would have no idea the effect those simple few words would have.
Fast forward almost three decades.
Picture me, sitting and having coffee in the early hours of the morning of September 1st 2022. I was watching a YouTube sermon by John Paul Jackson called The Father’s Blessing, and I had one of those moments again that I used to have as a child aged 7.
You know it if you’ve had it. It’s undeniably Him, and it is so sweet, so close and so personal where He meets you where you’re at.
It will be different for everyone, but for me, there was intense reverence, gut-wrenching weeping and such incredible hope in my spirit man. This hope and a new burst of life would only increase and gain momentum over the next few weeks and is still going right now as I write this.
The actual reason why I am writing this now, we just came out of a time waiting on God in prayer. And I was given this, let me say, divine assignment, with the title and the first paragraph for me to write the rest, of my story in the words of my testimony. This is God using my experience to bring a breakthrough in your life.
And this is my prayer for you dear brother or sister that the Lord does it again for you in your life, He kindles that fire in your belly and that sense of hope in Him that there is more to life.
I believe if you turn up, just simply turn up to meet Him, as I did in the early morning hours, He will do the same for you,
He will turn any night in you to day
He will turn any dark in you to light
Every wrong word spoken about you will leave
And the resounding truth about who you are
will be amplified
Day after day, after day after day
I know this daily behaviour has contributed to the breakthrough I’m now walking in. Maybe, He is calling you to do the same for a time?
How much do you want Him?
When I look at that verse now, “I don’t know you”, I shudder.
Thank you for your mercies O Lord, new every morning.
Lord I don’t want any of my brothers and sisters in Christ to ever settle for what I was like before as a Christian.
I pray for a renewed sense of hope and a spiritual hunger that is never quenched on this side of the everlasting. I pray the fear of God comes now and convicts the soul of any mixture, anything that grieves you Holy Spirit.
When the Bridegroom comes, I pray that He sees you and says “I know you” come and enter my beloved into the wedding banquet of the Lamb.
I release the blood of Jesus Christ over my friend who is reading this now. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
(23) Search me Elohim, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts,
Psalms 139:23-24
See if there’s any wicked or hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.
(Guest writer on this post: RM)
Author of the 1000 page poem.
P.S. As I think about my Dad in Heaven, I feel His whisper about a question I know many believers have, where they wonder what will we do in Heaven.
As I look back now, I can confidently say that one of the primary purposes of the Heavenly saints right now is to pray for their loved ones still on the earth. Until all things are made new at the completion of days. Thank you, Dad, as I can feel you all over my God encounter, as your spirit intercedes with Jesus our Messiah.
I even have a jersey that Rachel bought for me at your passing that I wear most mornings when having my coffee with Jesus, emblazoned with the words “Champion”. I know that to be the truth now, you are championing me to come up higher. Amen. Maranatha (מרנאתא)
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